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Shamelessly, Yeosang was watching San drive. He found it so attractive, he just couldn't stop watching. When San glanced over, Yeosang quickly looked away.

San smirked, one of his hands leaving the steering wheel and finding it's place on Yeosang's upper thigh. Yeosang's face flushed a light rose, glancing down at his hand and then back up to him.

Yeosang's focus was on San's hand the rest of the ride, watching as he occasionally brushed his thumb along the top of his thigh or ever so slightly squeezed. After a while of just staring, they parked.

"We're here," San said, lifting his hand off Yeosang's thigh. Yeosang nodded, opening the car door and getting out.

He leaned against the car as San picked up Wooyoung again. San fumbled around im his pocket before pulling his keys out and tossing them to Yeosang, who caught them.

"The pink one is the house key," he said, leading him to the front door while carrying Wooyoung bridal style.

As the two walked in, Yeosang looked around. Since he wasn't drunk and high out of his mind, maybe he would remember their house this time.

"I'm gonna take him to bed, do you need anything?" San asked.

"Umm.. where are your cups? I'm thirsty," Yeosang replied, looking at him with unintentional doe eyes.

"Cups are in the cabinet to the left of the fridge, there's water and some sodas in the fridge I think. Help yourself," San answered, bringing Wooyoung to what Yeosang assumed to be their bedroom.

Yeosang grabbed himself a smaller plastic cup, opening the fridge and pulling out the water. He uncapped the large bottle, poured himself some, and then recapped it but just left it next to his cup. Yeosang stretched his arms out behind his back, popping his back and sighing.

While Yeosang took a drink of his water, San came out of their room without Yeosang realizing. San sneakily came around to the side of the island where Yeosang was standing.

San stood behind Yeosang, his hands placed on his hips. Yeosang perked up and looked back, only to see a smiling San.

Yeosang just looked away and began drinking his water again. He almost chokes when he feels San's hands creep up under his shirt.

San's face found it's way to Yeosang's neck, his cold nose brushing against it. Yeosang took a deep breath, San wrapped his arms around Yeosang's waist. Gently, he placed a soft kiss under his ear and began making his way down.

Yeosang just let his head tilt back, one of his hands reaching behind him to grab San's hip while the other gripped the counter. He gasped as San began to suck his neck, obviously very intent on creating a hickey. He whimpered quietly, feeling the bruise begin to form.

When San pulled off, Yeosang turned around in his arms. He wrapped his arms around his neck as San pulled him closer. The two quickly connected their lips in a passionate, lust filled kiss. Their tongues explored each other's mouths, kissing as if it'd be the last time they would ever get to.

San's hands traveled down from Yeosang's waist to his hips, then his ass, then to his thighs. He grabbed the back of Yeosang's thighs, lifting him up and placing him on the island. Yeosang pulled away, his cheeks flushed red and his lips slightly swollen, glistening with their mixed spit.

San's head instantly dipped down to his neck, beginning to suck a hickey under his adams apple. Yeosang's hands wandered San's back, pushing the hem of his shirt up and feeling his sunkissed skin.

Yeosang's back arched as San nipped at the hickeys he had made on his pale neck. San's hand found it's way from Yeosang's thighs to his boner, the smaller male gasping and digging his nails into San's back.

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