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Work was sluggish as usual, however Yunho wasn't incredibly bored for once. He would be, if it wasn't for his thoughts.

What was he thinking about?

Well, he was thinking about Mingi. If he was being honest with himself, Mingi was all he thought about anymore. It could range anywhere from memories of their hook ups, their hang outs, his feelings toward Mingi, literally anything and everything involving Mingi.

Today, his thoughts were centered on his feelings and their relationship. Did he love Mingi? Did he love his body?

The thoughts filled his mind while he slouched over the register, his chin propped up on his palm.

"Go take your break, man," Yeosang's voice broke through his thoughts.

Yunho stood up properly, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I can tell something's up, I got it don't worry."

He took that answer, nodding at him and making his way to the back of the shop. He grabbed his cigarettes from his stuff in the back, leaving through the employee door. He placed a cigarette between his lips while running a hand through his hair.

He lit the cigarette, pulling his phone from his pocket as he felt the vibration of a call.

Mingi was calling him.

Yunho took a quick drag before answering the call.

"Hello?" He asked into his phone.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Mingi's cheerful voice rang through his speaker. The smile was evident in his voice.

"I'm at work, on break," Yunho answered.

"When do you get off? I wanna see you."

Yunho paused, the cigarette almost falling from his lips. He took a deep breath, "I get off at 1.. so like, 45 minutes. Why do you wanna see me?" He hesitantly asked.

There was silence from the other side of the phone before Mingi finally replied, "I don't know, I just can't get you off my mind and I want to hang out with you."

Now it was Yunho's turn to stay silent. He wanted to see him, just to see him? Usually the pair would only hang out to fuck, not just go hang out.

"..Okay. Will you pick me up?" Yunho gently spoke.

"I will, send me the address of the cafe."

"See you then, I guess," Yunho said, "Bye."

He hung up before Mingi could reply, he didn't know how to deal with his emotions toward Mingi. He quickly finished his cigarette, heading back inside. Even if he couldn't fully focus on work, it was distracting him somewhat.

He walked back to the front where Yeosang was standing by the register. "Yeo, I need love advice," Yunho confessed.

"I'm probably the worst person for that right now, but I'll try."

"So.. there's this guy. Me and him, we have this weird fwb type relationship, except I think he likes me a lot more than just the sex," Yunho confessed, glad the shop was empty.

"Okay.. and how do you feel for him?" Yeosang inquired.

"I.. don't know. I don't know. I think I like him, but I can't tell if the sex is just good enough that I want him to myself or if I actually want him."

Yeosang sighed, "I think you need to figure out your feelings and then talk to him about it."

Yunho slowly nodded. "He's picking me up after my shift. I'll try to figure it out tonight."

The rest of his workday flew by, the 45 minutes hardly felt like 10. He picked up his items from the employee area, noticing the "I'm here" text from Mingi that just came in. He walked outside, spotting Mingi's car. A soft smile subconsciously crossed his lips, making his way over to the car and hopping in the passenger seat. He dropped his stuff in the floorboard and looked over at Mingi.

"Hey, how was work?" Mingi asked politely, watching as Yunho got into his car.

"It was slow, but not bad," Yunho's soft voice replied as he looked over at Mingi. Yunho's eyes had this adoring look as he met eyes with Mingi. Wether it was intentional or not, Mingi definitely noticed it. "So what are we doing?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm down for anything so you pick," Mingi answered as his hand found Yunho's thigh.

Yunho glanced out the window, suddenly shy at the touch. "Can we just go back to your place? I wanna chill today."

Mingi nodded, "Sure."

The ride to his house was quiet, however a comfortable silence. Yunho loved it. The sound of the car on the road, the way Mingi held his thigh, the subtle noises of the car. All of it, he loved it.

Yunho watched as Mingi pulled into his driveway. The two got out of the car together, Mingi going over to the passenger side and took Yunho's hand. He brought Yunho inside the house, smiling cutely.

"So what are we gonna do now?" Yunho asked, slipping his shoes off at the door.

Mingi shrugged, "Whatever you want."

Yunho nodded and walked over to Mingi's couch. He grabbed the TV remote before sitting down and turning the TV on. Mingi joined Yunho on the couch, curling up and leaning on Yunho's shoulder.

Yunho put on a random show and wrapped his arms around Mingi.

As the show went on, Mingi eventually fell asleep. Gently, Yunho strokes Mingi's hair, careful not to wake him. His soft fingertips traced Mingi's sharp cheekbones, his eyes dancing across his beautifully sculpted face. It was hard to deny his feelings for Mingi, yet he did. The thought of seriously loving someone made Yunho sick to the stomach. He was only in love once and it ended terribly, so what was the point of trying again?

Suddenly, the front door unlocked. Yunho shot up, waking Mingi. In walked a taller man, his black hair styled so that a sliver of his forehead was showing with a side part. Dressed in all black, adorning a black mask as well, he was quite scary.

Yunho worriedly looked at Mingi who was fixing his hair. Mingi just reassuringly pat Yunho's shoulder. Remembering what Mingi had said about his roommates the first time he had been over, he was worried. Would they like him? Would the one he's about to meet even acknowledge him?

Before he could worry any longer, the unknown man walked into the living room, no longer wearing his mask or coat and having switched his outside shoes for house shoes. "Hey Jongho," Mingi greeted.

"Hey. Your friend?" Jongho asked, gesturing to Yunho.

Mingi nodded, "Yunho."

Jongho just nodded and left to a room Yunho assumed to be his bedroom.

"I thought you said your roommates won't like me?" Yunho asked quietly, fearing Jongho would hear him.

Mingi sighed, "They won't. Jongho is the nicer of the two, but he's mean sometimes. He never likes people that I'm seeing, but I didn't introduce you that way so hopefully he'll be fine with you."

Yunho nodded slowly, "What about the other one?" He asked as he leaned on Mingi.

"His name is Taehyun. He's really nice if you get to know him, but he doesn't let that many people know him. It took me, like, a year to be even acuantancss with him. He's never really liked any of my friends other than Yeonjun and Soobin but they've been friends forever."

Yunho just nodded, not knowing what to do with all of that information. He just hoped that Taehyun like him even slightly.

"Let's go to my room?" Mingi suggested, wrapping his arms around Yunho's shoulders.


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