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Comfortable silence in the car with Mingi was one of his favorite things.

He always loved it, just being able to close his eyes and listen to Mingi's breathing and the way the car sounded as it drove. Sometimes they'd turn on the radio, but he preferred when it was off.

He opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Mingi. He studied over ever detail of his face, watching how occasionally he'd squint at the road when he saw something unusual, however whenever he turned he bit his lip slightly.

Suddenly, Mingi glanced over. "What?" He asked upon seeing Yunho staring.

"Nothing, just looking.."

Mingi scrunched his eyebrows together. "Okay weirdo," He teased.

Yunho smiled and placed a hand on Mingi's thigh. His fingertips traced the soft outlines of Mingi's muscles.

"I think I'm really starting to like you, maybe it's just the everything I took but fuck Mingi," Yunho whispered, a gentle smile crossing his lips.

"Go on a date with me then," Mingi boldly stated.

"Remind me when I'm sober," Yunho mumbled as he closed his eyes, "too tired right now."

"You're so dumb," Mingi teased, grabbing his hand and kissed it softly.

Yunho smiled sleepily as Mingi parked at Yunho's apartment building. "Are we here?" he asked, opening his eyes and sitting up.

Mingi nodded, hopping out of his car and walking around the front of it to open Yunho's door too.

Yunho sleepily got out and held onto Mingi's hand, beginning to lead him to his apartment once he had closed the car door.

As they stepped into the elevator together, Yunho pressed Mingi against the back wall and kissed him. Mingi quickly kisses back and grabbed his hip with one hand and his hair with the other.

Mingi pulled back after a second, "Are we gonna do this here?" He asked shyly.

"No, duh. We're going to my apartment for a reason dummy," Yunho teased, leaning down to kiss Mingi's neck.

Mingi's hands traveled Yunho's back, feeling him up shamelessly. He let his head tip back and rest against the mirrored walls of the elevator.

Suddenly, the door dinged open and Yunho pulled himself off of Mingi. He grabbed him by the hand and practically dragged him to his apartment. He punched in the keycode, quickly opening the door and bringing Mingi in with him.

He pushed him against the back of the door and connected their hips. Mingi gasped and bucked his hips slightly in an attempt to get friction. Yunho slid his hand down and rubbed it against his hardening cock. Mingi rolled his hips against Yunho's hand, whining into their kiss.

Yunho broke the kiss and brought Mingi to his bed, pushing him down onto it and crawling over top of him. Yunho pulled his shirt off, working Mingi's shirt over his head afterwards.

His head dipped down and pressed a kiss against Mingi's lips, then one against his jaw, to his neck, to his collarbone, finally pressing one on his peck. He ran his tongue against Mingi's nipple, his hand running across his built chest.

Mingi whimpered, trying to force Yunho's hand onto his cock without actually moving it. Yunho took the hint and instantly began to give him just what he desired.

Mingi moaned out, his hands finding their way to Yunho's hair. Yunho smirked and pulled his hand away, gripping his hips with both his hands.

Yunho forced Mingi's pants off of his hips, working then down his slender legs. Mingi caught his lower lip between his teeth, loving Yunho's newfound dominance.

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