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As he awoke in Yunho's arms, he felt content. He was happy, but something felt like it was eating away at him. What was it? He couldn't quite place the feeling, but something was just off.

It was like a feeling of dread and despair deep down within him. There was no real reason for these feelings, yet he couldn't stop feeling them.

Was something happening, or going to happen? Did he subconsciously know that something wasn't right?

He took a long deep breath and then exhaled in a quiet sigh. His hand left Yunho's chest to push his hair out of his face. That's when Yunho woke up, his arms tightened around Mingi as he pulled him in closer.

Yunho moved so that the pair were laying on their sides, facing each other. Mingi smiled a little as Yunho held him close.

"Good morning," Mingi whispered, as one hand gently caressed the back of Yunho's head. Yunho groaned in response, shoving his face into Mingi's neck.

Mingi smiled gently, loving how clingy and cuddly sleeping Yunho is. Mingi pressed a soft kiss to the side of Yunho's head, holding him closely.

Does he love me? The question instantly popped into his head, despite how much he didn't even want him to be in love with him. The idea still crossed his mind however, maybe he did want them to be in love with each other.

Suddenly he felt soft kisses being pressed to his neck, causing him to gasp and a soft blush to dust his cheeks. Yunho's kisses became rougher, his hands beginning to travel Mingi's body.

"Yunho," Mingi whispered, Yunho humming in response, "Not right now. We just woke up."

Yunho instantly stopped, "Sorry," he trailed off.

"It's okay. Let's just cuddle yeah?" Mingi suggested, wrapping his arms around Yunho. Yunho just nodded and accepted the hug.

Yunho's reaction instantly made Mingi insecure. He liked Yunho, but this made it seem as if he only was with him for the sex.

"So you're a street performer, right?" Mingi asked, changing the topic best he could.

Yunho looked up at him, "Yeah, but who told you? I don't remember telling you."

"Hongjoong, he learned it from Yeosang."

Yunho nodded. "Why do you ask?"

"Do you want to perform on a stage? I could set it up for you."

Yunho looked around, thinking. "I don't know, it sounds scary to be up there all alone," He muttered, messing with the hem of Mingi's shorts.

"I mean, it is, but you get used to it and it's not that bad anymore. My first performance alone was terrible, I threw up backstage and messed up the lyrics a few times. I was so used to being on stage with a couple other rappers I could rely on for comfort, but you're already used to performing alone so I think you'd get used to it quicker."

Yunho nodded, a slight pout on his lips. He quickly met eyes with Mingi before they flicked back to a random spot on the wall. "I'll try it," He said softly, "sometime."

Mingi smiled and nodded. He leaned in and kissed Yunho's cheek gently. "Do you want to go on a date today? We've been talking about it since last night," Yunho said suddenly.

Mingi smiled gently, "What would we do?"

"I don't know.. we could just go to the park or something," he suggested.

Mingi's smile widened, hugging him tightly. Even if they weren't sure on what they were doing for a date, he was still just happy that he had agreed.

"Wouldn't you not want to be seen on a date?" Yunho asked gently, understanding the preformer image.

Mingi shook his head, "If fans see us, let them. I'll take care of any gossip."

Yunho smiled, pressing a gentle kiss on Mingi's lips. "You really do like me," Yunho whispered against Mingi's lips, one of his hands reaching up to push the hair from Mingi's eyes.

Mingi smiled and looked away, a light blush crossing his cheeks. Mingi pushed the covered off of himself and stood up, stretching his arms and back. Yunho watched from under the covers, internally commending him for leaving the all too comfortable bed.

Yunho sat up, watching as Mingi looked for his clothes on the floor. Mingi found his shirt and threw it on the bed, continuing to look for his pants. Yunho smiled as Mingi continued looking for his pants, watching him pull his pants on.

He sat on the bed, finding his shirt and pulling it on. Yunho scooted over to where Mingi was sitting. He hugged Mingi, his face resting on Mingi's shoulder.

Mingi smiled gently, caressing the side of his face. "So where are we going?" Mingi asked gently.

"I don't know," Yunho said sleepily. He clung to Mingi like a koala, holding him as close as he can.

Mingi kissed the side of his head, placing his hand on Yunho's thigh. Yunho smiled sweetly, hugging Mingi's arm.

"Maybe we should just stay in bed, you look and sound very sleepy still," Mingi teased. Yunho smiled and laid back down, pulling Mingi down with him.

Mingi hugged Yunho around the waist and gently kissed Yunho's exposed collarbone. Yunho sighed contently, his hands comfortably resting on Mingi's lower back.

"I like this," Yunho whispered. Mingi smiled widely, shoving his face into Yunho's neck. One of Yunho's hands left it's spot on Mingi's back to reach his hair. His hand found a spot to rest within the blonde locs, gently combing it with his fingers. Mingi felt the warmth rising in his cheeks at the simple touch, an obvious blush tainting his tanned skin.

Mingi just hid in Yunho's neck, praying the latter couldn't feel the burning of his cheeks. He felt so embarrassed for blushing over the minimal affection Yunho was showing him, but he couldn't stop it no matter how much he wanted to.

While Yunho continued raking his fingers through Mingi's hair, Mingi began to fall asleep again. He could've sworn he wasn't tired, but something about the warmth of Yunho and the comforting motion of having his hair played with just put him to sleep. Yunho took notice to this, gently rolling the pair so that they were laying side by side.

Mingi's lips formed a subtle pout as he threw his arms around Yunho's neck. Yunho seized the moment and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. Mingi smiled into the kiss, letting one of his hands cup Yunho's jaw.

Yunho broke away, resting his forehead against Mingi's. Mingi pulled Yunho into a tight hug. He never wanted to let go of him, he wanted to stay within his embrace forever.

After a moment of the two staying comfortably like that, Yunho let go. Mingi watched as Yunho rolled over and grabbed his cigarette box, pulling one out and placing it between his lips.

He lit the cigarette and sat up, leaning against his headboard. Mingi scooted over to him, leaning against his shoulder.

The smell of cigarette smoke and the sound of comfortable silence filled the room, but within the air there was a feeling of tension. It was like Yunho could read Mingi's thoughts, which definitely did not paint their relationship in the best light.

Mingi felt almost as if Yunho only wanted his body, only doing all of the romantic things to appease him. He felt used, however like he didn't have the right to feel used. If Yunho was treating him well and still doing romantic things with him, how could he be being used?

Yunho's free hand crept into Mingi's, locking their fingers together. "What's on your mind?" Yunho inquired, "It's obviously bothering you."

"Just.." Mingi hesitated, contemplating if he should tell the truth or not, "Thinking about us."

Yunho hummed and caressed Mingi's hand with his thumb. "What about us?"

"Just you know," He started, "Wondering where our relationship will end up."

Yunho took a long drag of his cigarette before replying, "Try not to think about it too much, okay? Just enjoy what we have right now."

Mingi nodded, cuddling into Yunho's side. He felt bad for being insecure, however he knew he couldn't stop it.

Yunho pet Mingi's hair, "Let's have an at home date."

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