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Tonight, there was a show.

He wasn't excited for it, yet he took comfort in the fact that not only would he be joined by some of his friends in stage, Yunho was going to be there.

Just sitting and waiting backstage was terrible, Mingi always threw himself together quickly and then just had to sit there and wait for the others.

"You look upset, what happened man?" Mingi's friend, Han, asked.

"It's nothing, just.. my love life and shit," He replied, glancing at Han as he put his shirt on.

Han nodded in understanding, "Do you want to talk about it? Me and Changbin went through a lot of struggles in our talking stage too."

Mingi just slowly shook his head. "We're not even talking stage. We're just friends with benefits but I think I'm catching feelings and he's not," He replied quietly.

"That's always the worst, man, just try to be honest with him and it should work out."

Their conversation ended there as a worker at the bar they were at told them it was time to get on stage.

As Mingi, Han, and Chan walked out together, they enjoyed the cheers and waved at the crowd. Mingi's eyes frantically searched across the sea of people for Yunho, or even Wooyoung or Yeosang in hopes they'd be with Yunho.

Finally, he found him. However, he wasn't alone but he wasn't with one of their mutual friends. Mingi's eyebrows scrunched together slightly as he tried to figure out who the other man talking to him was.

While he didn't recognize him, he definitely recognized his body language. The unknown man was definitely flirting with Yunho. Mingi's jealousy was almost uncontrollable, the only thing stopping him from acting on it was the fact he was in front of a couple hundred people.

Mingi cleared his throat and attempted to clear his mind, only succeeding at clearing his throat however.

The performance must go on though, so he let it. Whenever his eyes scanned over the crowd, he'd intentionally avoid the area Yunho was in.

This didn't go unnoticed to Yunho, he was very aware of it actually. He could tell that Mingi was ignoring him, but he couldn't place why.

As the night progressed and the show ended, Mingi once again found himself searching for Yunho. Except, this time he was in the crowd. Dodging fangirls was difficult, but he was on a mission to find Yunho.

When he found him, he was still with the mystery man, this time though the pair were making out.

The built up jealousy Mingi had been suppressing finally was too much to ignore. "Yunho!" Mingi called.

Instantly, he pulled away from the man. He took a step back from him and faced Mingi, a slight look of guilt on his face.

"What are you doing?" Mingi asked, the hurt obvious in his voice.

"What do you mean?" Yunho asked, "Why is it your business?"

By now, the man had left. Mingi scoffed slightly at this statement. "Because, Yunho, it just is. Who is he?"

"I don't know he just came up to me and offered to buy me drinks," Yunho replied, "Did I do something wrong? I mean, we aren't dating, how could I have done something wrong?"

Mingi paused. Yunho was right, even though he didn't want him to be. He walked closer to Yunho, "Just because we're not dating doesn't mean you're not mine."

Yunho's eyebrows knit together in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Mingi cupped Yunho's jaw and brushed his thumb against his cheekbone. "I mean that you're mine," he said before firmly pressing his lips against Yunho's.

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