Chapter 1 : Leonardo

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"AAAND, goal...! Another win for Castillo High! Better luck next year Cleone Elite!" That sounded like music in my ears. "We won again. Why am I not surprised?" Adrian said, smacking my shoulder.

Pride filled my face.

"It was pretty easy considering their egos are bigger than their dicks." I mocked loud enough for the losing team to hear. They just flipped me off as an answer. Losers.

"One more victory and we'll make it to the nationals. Nice job guys." Our coach praised.

"You joining our celebration coach?" Adrian invited.

"Can't. Family dinner." He answered. Simple, solid, clear. God damn it ice queen.

"Sooo, where are we celebrating?"

"Our usual. Quacky's Brewery."


3 HOURS later, we were having a team dinner to celebrate our victory in our usual, Quacky's Brewery. They had the best roasted duck and beer. We were talking while eating, bromance and that type of shit.

"The waitress is cute don't you think?" Dave asked me, desire in his eyes.

Dave Yuvent, he's a new member but I'll admit, he is damn good on ice.

But I don't really like his attitude. He makes sleeping with girls his whole personality. I think he is just trying to fit in considering he keeps on seeking our attention.

"Look closely at her ring finger. She's married." I pointed out.

"My advice, don't sleep with married woman." I whispered quietly to him, not wanting to embarass him.

He gulped and stayed quiet, his cheeks turning red.

Minutes later, we were playing UNO. Lucky me already knew I was going to win.

"What in the fucking UNO reverse card was that?!" Wayne shouted, his eyebrows lining in frustration.

"I already told you, we shouldn't let Leo shuffle the cards." Lucas sighed.

"I want a fucking redo." Raven said, not giving up.

"By any means, please shuffle the cards." I passed the remaining cards to Lucas with the cockiest grin I had.

"Oops I win again."

"Huh." Raven muttered, his face filled with confusion.

"God damn it! UNO is overrated anyways." Wayne slammed his cards to the table.

"From what I see here, skill issue." They scowled at me.

But I was confused on why Adrian was drinking soda instead of beer. "Hey man, we won. Why the hell are you drinking soda?" I said, pointing out the can of orange Fanta.

"Look if it's about you getting drunk easily, don't mind it. I'm pretty sure your sister wouldn't really mind you drinking on your victory day right?" I added.

"Oh she would mind. And I don't wanna make a mess at home for her to clean up." Adrian said, acting like he was the most responsible brother with that proud grin on his face.

"When are you all going to get a girlfriend?" asked Giovanni, our oldest player in our team. 27 years old.

"The girls here are way out of my league." Some answered.

"I like one but I don't think she feels the same." Some answered.

Some chose not to answer.

"What about you Leo?"

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