Chapter 12 : Caroline & Leonardo

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I woke up in a bed which was definitely not mine. I opened my eyes slowly, rubbing my eyes. Since when did I have a PS5? Realization hit me that I fucked with Leonardo last night. What the fuck will Adrian think of me?!

Holy shit. My legs were still sore after last night, even though he gave me a nice massage. He had my legs wrapped around his waist so I couldn't move. However, that was the best sex I ever had, god damn. The biggest cock too. Leonardo whimpered against my neck, I felt his soft breath tickling my nape, sending me soothing sensation.

I still had the after-sex sensation even though I already woke up. Would definitely fuck him again without hesitation if he wasn't such a big bastard. I tried to look for my phone but I couldn't find it.

Oh shit it was still in the living room. So I took Leo's phone instead. 10.45 A.M. Welp I guess I'm skipping classes today. I accidentally clicked on camera and realized the hickey he gave me. No. Hickeys. Why the fuck did he leave that much?! It was on my neck, my breasts, my thighs, and even my arms?!

I slipped away from him slowly. I tried to be as quiet as possible since Leo's got a good hearing. I lifted up his arm slowly and placed it back on himself. I unwrapped my legs from his waist and covered him with the blanket.

I put a bolster in his arms to replace where I was just now I quickly picked up my clothes and tip toed out of his room, even though he warned me not to.

But before I went out, I saw a plate of warm hash browns, a runny sunny side up, blueberry custard bread pudding, and a side of chocolate milk. Did he really make all of this for me?

There was also a note, saying "I made you all of this shit, don't you fucking dare leave Caramel." Okay maybe I blushed, just a little bit, but who fucking wouldn't? Besides, he probably had girls lining up to be fucked, and I was probably not the first woman to be served breakfast like this so yeah fuck that.

I permanently, permanently left his dorm without hesitation. And without a doubt, I was never coming back here again. And besides, he got a fucking captain title. And he played ice hockey. Even the teachers were drooling all over him. The more I thought of it, the more I wanted to vomit.

I barged into my dorm, already knew I would find Richelle and Yvette there. I swore to god they acted like it was their own damn house, but I didn't mind honestly speaking.

"Okay spill. You didn't sleep at your dorm tonight. You went to Leo's party and that was the last time I saw you. So tell me did you bang?" Yvette went straight to the point, as expected.

"I didn't bang him, I just accidentally sleep at his place." I said, hoping to hide my nervousness.

"First of all, your hair's messy. And your hair is never messy. So the only reason was because your hair was pulled, a lot of times as I can see here. Your lips are swollen. And I could see a small red mark of hickey on your neck. And your dress is wrinkled. So yeah, you did bang him or he banged you." Richelle said long and clear, raising her eyebrows with pride when my jaw dropped at the attention to detail she had.

"Okay maybe I did. But first and last." I held my hands up in surrender before I went towards them.

"Okay, how big is it?" Yvette whispered loudl enough so Richelle could here. "Leo gives off big dick energy and small dick energy. Don't blame me for being curious." She cackled and leaned towards me for an answer.

"It was this big." I stretched out to estimate his size. God damn I remembered vividly how wide he stretched me open. It was still giving me the tingling shivers.

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