Chapter 9 : Caroline

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MY aunt Roxanne finally came to visit us from Paris! I was so ecstatic. We had a huge family dinner last night and for once, it actually went okay.

I was in Aunt Roxanne's car right now, deciding whether to go to Kokoro(a coffee and milk tea shop) or Amelatte(a coffee shop).

"Kokoro or Amelatte? I mean, both are good." I said.

"Do you even like coffee that much?" She raised her eyebrows.

I laughed while fixing my hair. "Yeah no."

We arrived at Kokoro 4 minutes later since it was close to Hotel Yula. We entered Kokoro and were hit with a pang of delicious coffee smell.

"Damn. Forgot how good it smells." Roxanne muttered. I offered to pay for our coffee but of course for being the iconic rich aunt she was, she paid for me instead.

We took the table the closest near the corner. I ordered a choco and Roxanne ordered a strawberry latte. "Isn't strawberry latte supposed to be a mix of coffee, milk and strawberries?" She looked at her strawberry jam and milk combo.

I giggled before pouring the strawberry jam on to the milk. "It tastes good, trust me."

"Does your mom still treat you like shit?" She started, her eyes filled with enthusiasm to gossip.

"She never does. Both of you are sisters and I don't get how both of you are so different. You're the nice, chill, cool aunt and she's the control-freak, fierce, busy woman." I sighed.

She gave me a small genuine small before giving my head a gentle caress. "Well first of all, she's adopted so u-um makes sense she's different." I choked out a laugh. "But she loves you even though she treats you like shit."

"How is Adrian?" She asked.

"He's good, still single, but so am I. I just don't get why mom treats him differently. Like at first, she treats him like shit, comparing me to him over and over again but now she is just chill with him. Like I want that too. I'm tired of people having high expectations on me and it's embarassing and disappointing if I don't live up to it." I poured my chocolate syrup to the glass of milk before mixing it.

"She's just that way, you know? Haiya just ignore her. Ku ca tu ane liao i, ane au ban, be ua e." She's been like that for a long time, very stubborn, she can't change. My aunt continued in Hokkien.

"Wa chuan liao a emai, tak tak pai ngap be theng e." I'm tired already, she can't stop complaining. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay let's stop talking shit about your mom, how's your sex life?" She raised both of her eyebrows teasingly.

"Not bad actually. Probably found 20 men who have good dicks." I winked and giggled at her approving nod.

"Eh. I've fucked more. Your uncle's, all I need now." So that sentence had two meanings. Either my uncle was all she needed, or my uncle's dick was all she needed. Either way, I didn't want to know.

"I'm not going to ask what that meant but anyways. How's the new café? Thought of a name yet?" I asked. "Just go with Roxanne to go basic. Your name is sexy, you know?" I added with a suggestive tone.

"I'm going for Violette." She smiled.

My aunt, Roxanne and my uncle, Chase had a daughter, Violette Serenity. Violette was only a year younger than me yet she was already so mature and had a futuristic mindset.

"What cuisine are you going for again?"

"Simple fine dining, maybe add some Thai too."

My aunt was Thai, but since it was mentioned that my mother was adopted. My mom was Chinese, my father was Chinese, so I looked very different from my aunt.

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