Chapter 7 : Caroline

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IT was honestly pretty easy to rile up Adriana. I chuckled when I saw Leo failing to flirt with Adriana so I wanted to try.

I poured a cup of fruit punch for myself. I never resisted the chance to be at Leonardo's party because the food and drinks here were bomb.

Even the fruit punch tasted good.

I saw the famous Adriana Rosalind sitting by herself on the couch. I knew a lot of boys and even girls were dying to have a chance with her. Well, I'm here to shoot my shot.

I went up to her, sitting beside her. "Yes?" She said to me.

"What are the chances that a pretty girl like you is all alone right now? Can't find a man? Or do you need a woman hm?" I tipped her jaw up so I could look straight to her eyes.

She smirked, but she was blushing. But she kept her composure. "Nice try Veronica. But I'm straight as a pole." She caressed my bottom lip.

"Bet you I can bend the pole." I leaned closer to her until our noses were touching.

"I think I like you." She sat on my lap as I put both of my hands on her ass.

"Everybody likes me." I moved my hips slowly against her. I nipped her earlobe when she whimpered against my lips.

God damn Adriana Rosalind is fucking hot. No wonder Leo has been chasing her.

"No wonder." She ground her hips back at me. I let out a moan as I tugged on her hair. "Let's continue this somewhere else alright? Wouldn't want anybody to see how wet your pussy got." I squeezed her ass firmly, eliciting a gasp from her.

But she nodded obediently and followed me to the bathroom. Once we arrived in the bathroom, I immediately pinned her to the wall, but I didn't lock the door purposely.

Adriana slammed her lips to mine, her tongue swirling with mine. I had my hand on her hair, tugging and pulling on it while the other was beside her head.

Not long later, Leo walked in and I purposely looked deep into his eyes while I was making out with Adriana.

I loved the angry and confused look on his face. He knew I did this on purpose. Win win situation for me anyways. I got pussy, and Leo was annoyed.

I pulled away from Adriana, which Adriana seemed annoyed about. "Be patient." I whispered softly to her, pinching her bottom lip.

"This is how you get a girl Leo. Guess I have my ways with girls better than you do." I smirked against her lips. I loved the submissive look on Adriana's face. Such a good little girl, I thought.

"You fuck girls?" Leo asked me in me in confusion, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Hell yeah. Women are hot. I can't resist them, especially Adriana." I chuckled against Adriana's lips which Adriana whimpered in response.

Leo couldn't see it but Adriana had her hands beneath my dress, already scraping my panties down slowly.

"Impatient little slut." I mouthed to her.

"God damn Caramel. Can I go next?" He teased, biting down his lip when I licked mine. Both of us knew I was doing this on purpose just to fuck with him.

To be honest, I wouldn't really mind a threesome. I would really like to see what the hype about Leo was about. But Adriana pulled my hair possessively in which I was surprised about. "N-No!" She slammed her lips on mine again, which I responded with a rough suck on her bottom lip.

"Now get out Leo. Don't pussyblock me." I slammed the door against him.

But I knew Leo had a god damn boner. And it wasn't because of Adriana. It was because of me. He had his eyes on me the whole time. He was too easy to rile up.

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