Chapter 4 : Leonardo

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"MR. Kai!" Mrs. Ruyi screamed at me. "如果你想睡觉,就离开我的课!" If you would rather sleep, leave my class!

"你想要什么?不管怎样,我的中文总是很出色." What do you even want? No matter what I do, I always aced Chinese anyways. I said groggily, rubbing my eyes.

"这可以给你在我的课上睡觉的借口吗?" Does that give you an excuse to sleep in my class? She answered furiously, her head looked like it was about to explode.

"Fine fine. I'll stay awake." I said, hoping to avoid detention. I smiled and gave Mrs. Ruyi a thumbs up. Maybe it would melt her icy heart?



I nodded and walked out of my class. I never liked Chinese class that much anyways. Mrs. Ruyi wouldn't have to scold my ass and I wouldn't have to endure her yelling. Win win situation.

I entered the detention room and Richelle was already there, scolding another junior. Fierce woman.

"Don't scold me alright?" I grinned widely to Richelle.

"I won't. I'm tired of you anyways. It's the tenth time this month. Anyways, who put you in detention?"


"What did you even do to her?" She asked, taking out her long ass ruler for who knew what reason for.

"Slept in her class."

"Basic. But since it's your tenth time, you'll need to miss break time. But I'll help you buy you food if you want."

"Atta girl." I highed five her.

"What'd you want to eat anyways?" She opened the drawer under the desk and took out a notebook.

"There's gotta be a catch right?" I asked her suspiciously.

"Of course, you need to give me double the price of the food."

"And what are you gonna do with that?"

"Keep it of course." She flashed me a cold and quick grin.

"I'd rather keep my money."

"Sure. Then starve." She sat back on her chair, keeping a close eye on everyone in the detention room.

No wonder she got chosen as student council president. Looks like an angel, would kill you.

Minutes later, Adrian walked in. Richelle just rolled her eyes, I'd assume that Adrian had been here more often than me.

I patted the seat beside me, urging him to come. "No, both of you aren't allowed to sit together. Adrian, you sit the closest to the wall near the door. Leo, you sit the closest to me." She commanded, putting her hands on her waist. "Both of you are a menace together."


WHEN the bell rang, few students came out, leaving me and Adrian in the room. Richelle was already eating a very very delicious looking egg mayo sandwich, purposely making "Mm" noises to tease us.

Her eyes darted to her phone before answering the call. "Hey boo, just come in."

I sighed and wiped my eyes when I saw Caroline walking in. "I baked some butterscotch cookies." She said, walking in innocently before giving everyone 3 cookies each except for me.

"There are only 2 left. I'll take one, you'll take one." She passed me a box with only 2 cookies left.

"Did you poison them?" I poked the cookies.

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