Chapter 5 : Caroline

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I loved loved loved the look on Leo's face when I showed him my grade. 100%. "Cat got your tongue?" I teased, putting the test paper right in front of his face until it was touching it.

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "You just got lucky. And besides, did you forget I got a 98% on psychology and you got a 97.5%? And psychology was your major."

"Bullshit. It's your major too. Besides, we both know who's better at psychology too."

"Bullshit. Besides, we both know who's better at Biology here."

It was a coincidence that both Leo and I took psychology and biology as our major. I personally, took psychology and biology as my major since in my opinion, those 2 are the hardest major.

I groaned in frustration and anger. I reached out to pull his hair but I didn't succeed. "You really think a short ass like you could-"

I stepped on his foot before he could finish his sentence, earning a curse from him. It doesn't hurt as much as the heels as I was wearing sneakers, but it'll do.

"That's all you got, isn't it?" He mocked, ruffling my hair before running away laughing.

I screamed. "Fuck you Leooooooo!" I began running and chasing him. When I got to him, I pulled the hood of his hoodie and he laughed at me when it made me fell. So I pulled him with me.

"Get off me you heavy ass!"

"You're the one who pulled me bitch!" He got off me, looking at me for a moment before chuckling. "You looked like a troll while you were running just now."

"We only had like maybe 10 inches height difference!" I complained, both of my hands on my hips.

"Exactly. 6'4." He pointed at himself. "5'6." He pointed at me while raising his eyebrows while putting both his hands up.

"I was taller than you when we were kids anyways. And we had a one year difference."

"It was just one fucking year Caroline. And I grew taller anyways than you anyways. 10 inches. Beat that. It's almost a foot. Short ass." He mocked me, using his hand to fucking show me our height difference.

"I think it would be better if you shut the fuck up. I'm fucking leaving." I scolded him in anger, I was sure my face was red in front of him.

"You've said that 4 times yet you haven't left. I think you want to be here with me, Carol." He leaned in closer to me, giving me a mischievous smile.

Our gaze met, and this time, the eye contact didn't break. He was so close to me that we could feel each other's breaths on us. For a moment, I was fighting the heat that was fighting to rush to my cheeks. But of course, I wasn't going to lose composure in front of Leonardo fucking Kai.

"Aww, you're blushing?" He cooed at me, giving me a surprisingly, genuine smile. He looked so innocent that I forgot I was supposed to hate him.

"I'm not!" I shouted at him before walking away before I heard his flirtatious chuckle.

I ran to the bathroom and immediately washed my face. How was I blushing? I was not supposed to! It's fine. It'll just happen one more time.

And that asshole had probably made thousands of girls blush before me. I was just getting my hopes high. And I never. Ever. Do that. Know your standards Caroline.


AFTER my classes were all finished, I went to my dorm and did my usual routine of showering and pampering.

Finished showering, I wore my clothes and heard a knock. The people that I could think of right now that had the possibility of knocking knew the PIN to my door.

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