Chapter 3 : Caroline

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I would assume that the boys had paid since no waiter or waitress came to approach us. Calvin and Gio were already on their way home while my brother and I were waiting for Leo to get his car.

Leo passed by with his BMW minutes later, wow it was fucking shining. He really took care of his cars. "Damn, is it a new one?" Adrian asked.

"Nope, I just hadn't taken this one out for a drive. Come on now get in."

Adrian sat at the passenger seat while I sat at the back. Heels are fucking hell. I was so glad that I could finally take them off.

It is what it is. Beauty is pain.

I lay down and used my purse as a pillow, it wasn't that comfortable but it would do. I peeked to the front seat and realized that Adrian was already asleep.

Well I understand, mom and dad had been under his ass since he got a bad score on his chemistry test. And it wasn't that bad either.

"Why can't you be more like your sister?! She's a straight A student and what are you?" Mom shouted at Adrian.

"You do realize you're literally pressuring Caroline right? She fucking cried every night because of both of you!" Adrian talked back.

"Don't talk to your mother like that. Did you forget that we fed and raised you?"

Frustration and anger lined Adrian's face. "When will you realize that gaslighting us won't work anymore?"

Adrian walked away from the living room furiously. When I saw him, I hugged him immediately. "A-Are you okay?"

He kissed my forehead before replying. "I'm used to it." He smiled before left to his room.

Fuck his car is so nice. Wide, classy and it smells damn nice too.

But one thing, it was so cold, I was freezing. I curled up into a ball to heat myself up. I regretted wearing a short skirt. I didn't want to turn off the AC at the back since Leo would complain. I think.

Leo opened the drawer from under his seat and threw me some blankets without saying a word. How did he know I was cold?

"Thanks." I muttered. He didn't give me any reply.

Occasionally, I changed my gaze from the side window to the front window. I didn't know if it could be considered eye contact if Leo and I literally broke it in not even a second.

I covered myself with the blanket. It was warm and nice, and it smelt exactly like him, whiskey and vanilla. I sniffed the blanket one last time before a pang of realization hit me.

Shit what the hell was I doing? Smelling his blanket like that, okay but it was a very very very pleasant smell.

"Like it that much? I could give it to you but not for free of course." He teased.

"Yeah, sure." I didn't even know why I responded with that. I would usually reply with an insult or something else. Maybe I was too drunk to even think of an insult.

His eyes widened at my response, clearly not expecting my reply. And I swore I saw his cheeks getting red for a slight second before he regained composure.

The sound of the noisy road faded when our gaze met from the rear mirror, two magnets drawn together by force rather than free will.

The side of his lips curled up into a smirk before he winked at me and blew me a kiss. Fucking tease.

I broke the eye contact first before resuming my sleep. The comfortable seats of the car, the sound of the rain, the occasional bumping of the car, the smell of whiskey and vanilla. I fell asleep minutes later.

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