Chapter 1

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Charlotte walked into her father business after celebrating her 24th birthday. Her father was sitting at his desk looking serious. Charlotte sat down and looked at her father.

Mr.Austin:Hey baby You enjoyed your birthday?

Charlotte:Of course I did. I didn't have a choice because of Heidi. She made me drink and everything. I'm surprised I made it here. What's wrong?

Mr.Austin:I need you to go to Thailand for me.

Charlotte:Is it because of her?

Mr.Austin:Yes. I will meet you there and explain everything there with your mother involved too. Since she's in Thailand.

Char:Are you and mom finally trying to work it out?

Mr.Austin:Yes we are actually. She called me ac- look she's calling now. (Answers the phone) Hey h- what?! Okay we are getting the next plane. Hey! Don't touch her. We are coming! (Hangs up)

Char:Daddy what's wrong?

Mr.Austin:We are taking our private jet. The Waraha has your mother. Go get your things now!


Mr.Austin(watches Char leaves):Yeah everything is going to plan baby. See you in Thailand. Hopefully she'll understand. (Hangs up)

Charlotte immediately grabbed her clothes and her guns. She put her pistol on waist and her combat knife on her leg. They got into the plane and headed to Thailand. Hours later they arrived and had a car pick them up. They headed to a building which was underground. Once they arrived people opened all four door and held their weapons at Mr.Austin and Charlotte. They walked inside with their hands up. They walked down a long hallway and into a room. Charlotte immediately drew her gun at the girl head as she aimed her gun at Charlottes head.

Charlotte:Where the fuck is my mother?!

Translator(Translate in Thai)

Charlotte:I can speak Thai I don't need you. (Switches to Thai)

Engfa:I don't have your mother. You have mine. You have five seconds to give her to me or I'll blow your fucking brains.

Char(looks at Engfas dragon tattoo):Your lying to me. Your tattoo is the one my mom yelled out when she was taken!

Mr.Austin:Charlotte enough. Drop the gun.

Char:No! Not until my mom is here!

Engfa:Samething for me.

Ms.Waraha:Engfa put the gun away.

Ms.Austin:Now that we are all in the same room there's something we have to discuss.

Engfa:There's nothing to discuss na! I have an opportunity to kill you all right now.

Ms.Waraha:Honey please just listen na. Okay?

Engfa(sighs and puts her gun away):Chai Mae.

Char(sighs and puts her gun away):What is this?

Mr.Austin:We came to an agreement that you two will be a married couple because we are at stake.

Ms.Austin:The only way to save our business is if we fight together and take down that other business.

Engfa:Hell no. Fuck that.

Mr.Waraha:Love the other business has nuclear weapons. You two have to pretend to be married couple. I know you two will hate the idea but still. This company is planning to destroy places. Like the England, Washington DC, many others. We must put an end to this.

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