Chapter 6

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The next morning

Everyone in the house was gone except Englot who was still asleep. Charlotte woke up first and started getting ready. Engfa woke up a few minutes later and got dressed. Engfa wore her favorite black turtleneck since Charlotte stole Engfa black button up shirt. Charlotte took Engfa keys as Engfa grabbed the briefcase. They got into the car and headed to company. Char had stopped at Starbucks to get her some tea and Engfa got her some Coffee. Once they arrived at the company everyone immediately stood up and bowed at them. Engfa put the briefcase on the table and opened it and laidout the paper and Chompu translated everything again. Then Engfa opened the other paper which a big map of the layout of the missle and house. Everyone stared at the map which had everything label. On the right side and a key coded for the passcode for the doors, missle, everything they need was right in front of them. Engfa noticed a small writing on paper. She picked up a magnifying glass and looked at the small print. She grew angry and picked up her untraceable laptop and called the number. The laptop connected to the tv and the person on the other end answered the phone.

Titan:Ahhh Engfa Waraha I see you got my plan paper. And Nesa!!! You fucking turned on me?!?

Engfa:Hey asshole you talk to me not her!

Titan(turns the camera around and smirks):I'll watch what I say Engfa.

Engfa and her parents eyes widened to see Engfas grandpa(her dads dad) sitting in the chair beaten. Next to him was Engfa sister P'Daad and Engfas adopted daughter Aoom. Charlotte seen the anger in Engfa eyes. Titan smirked and looked at Engfa.

Titan:Now where was I? Oh right. Engfas grandad needs medical attention. This asshole won't tell me I need.

P'Fa Grandpa:I'll rather die then to tell you where the safe is.

Titan:Come on grandpa tell me.

P'Daad:We will never tell you! Let the child go!

Titan(slaps P'Daad):I didn't tell you to speak!

Engfa:Hey! Keep your hands off of her! You want me right?! Let them go!

Titan(opens a box):You sent me his head! You think I want you just yet?! The party is just getting started. About time you get here... I'll be gone. Last time give me the answer!

P'Fa Grandpa(sighs):I'm sorry. (Looks at Titan) It's all the way in hell! Fuck you!!!!

Titan(angry):Wrong fucking answer!

Titan shot him in the head and aimed the gun at Aoom.

Titan:Your coming with me! Bring the other woman in here with her. Engfa is coming so guard this place. See you soon Engfa. (Ends call)

Engfa had punched her lap causing her hand to go through the whole laptop. Charlotte slightly jumped and looked at Engfa. Engfa threw the laptop across the room and grabbed her duffle bag. Engfa walked out the room and Charlotte followed which everyone else behind her.

Engfa:You stay the fuck here! Don't follow me don't talk to me! Stay the fuck away from me or I'll kill you! I fucking mean that!

Char:P'Fa... (gets teary eyed)

Engfa:What? Why the hell are you crying?! He didn't fucking murder your gr- fuck you! You want attention don't you?! My grandpa is fucking dead! He took my daughter and left my sister for fucking dead! I'm wasting my time sitting here t-

Charlotte full blown ran into Engfa arms. Engfa immediately pushed her off but Charlotte came back hugging Engfa tighter.

Char:Your my husband P'Fa your family is mine too. That's my sister in law he took and our daughter. Titan put my brother in a coma. I don't even know if he's alive right now. Just know your not alone in this. I'm here with you and so are they. You have a team, an fucking army. I'm coming with you. I married you because I love you. Now let go get our family okay?


Everyone got into different vehicles and headed to the location Titan gave me. Engfa immediately whipped out her pistol shooting everyone from outside. Nesa kicked opened the door and immediately stabbed one of the guys in his neck. The guy started spitting up blood before falling onto the ground dying. The other man had a gun onto P'Daad head. The group stared at him. P'Daad was able to break free from the rope and stabbed the gun with a knife. She took the gun out his hand and immediately shot him in the head multiple times.

Engfa:Where did Titan take Aoom?

P'Daad:He didn't say.

One of the men groaned causing Engfa to make him talk.

Engfa:Where did he take my daughter?!

Guy:M-missle! (Dies)

Engfa(immediately drops him):N-no... my baby.

P'Daad:We have to go.

Char:Wait where's the other girl he said bring in here?

P'Daad(points to the closet):He has her locked up in there.

As soon as Freen opened the door the young girl charged at her with an axe. Freen immediately held her hands up.

Freen:Hey we're not with them.

Becky:I promise. We are here to help.


Meena(nods):C-chai. Who are you?

Engfa:Do you know Aoom?

Meena:Chai! He took her! He going to launch her in the missle!

Engfa:I'm going to get her!

Meena immediately hugged Engfa.

Meena:Sorry about your grandpa. P'Daad told me to hide in the closet once the guard looked away. Aoom didn't seem scared. She seemed so determined.

Engfa:And your her friend right?

Meena:Yeah... friend.

Char:How many minutes before we get the missle anywhere?

P'Daad:No. Its a setup. He's not taking her to the missle.

Becky:Then where the fuck is he taking her?!

Meena:He said something about a lighthouse after he ended the call. What if he took her there.

Engfa:Freen Becky and Lisa can you head to his other company and see if she's there?

Freen:Yeah let's go. (Leaves with Becky and Lisa)

Engfa:Charlotte and Meena with me. We are going to go to the light house. Chompu and Nesa go back to company and warn them about Titan. You two stay in the hacker room as well. I'm getting my daughter back. (Looks at Charlotte) Your driving. Meena don't get scared.

Nesa:Alright. I'll contact you two on comms. (Leaves with Chompu)

Char(stares at Engfa):What are we going to do P'Fa?

Engfa:The fuck you mean?! We are going to get our child.

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