Chapter 9

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Engfa drove to Titans place and saw him standing around. She noticed him but the missile. Engfa grabbed her katana and knife and headed to house. The men noticed her and she took off running. Engfa jumped up on one of the men and stabbed him in the neck ripping off his head. She bust open the door and took cover behind the sofa. Titan ran inside the missile. Engfa was surrounded by his men. She could surrender but nahh she's a fighter. She picked up a gun and started shooting them off one by one. Once she saw an opening and managed to get to the missile but the door wouldn't open. The missile slowly started taking off to the sky. Titan hacked into the new feed's cameras and started live streaming what was going on. Engfa was hanging from the side trying to get inside the missile. Everyone was watching the missile slowly move up to the sky. Engfa noticed that they were off the ground. She noticed something on the missle and started to climb to the top of it. The roof of the house opened and immediately started to find a way inside but didn't see anything. She managed to get on the roof of the house before catching the end of the missile almost slipping off. The world could see Engfa climbing on the missile. Engfa slipped on a metal step but managed to catch on. From the ground Charlotte Aoom Meena and Nesa hurried to Engfa location and watched from below. Aoom took her mom sniper and started shooting Titans men one by one. Aoom was filled with anger and Char was actually crying because she was scared not only scared but pregnant with Engfas child. She wasn't expecting the doctor to make her pregnant right then and there. Meena noticed something and called Nesa.


Nesa(In the car):What?

Meena:Tell Engfa there's a latch on the top of the missle. (Helps Aoom) Fuck! There's so many!

Nesa:Keep them away from the missile! If they shoot that missile will explode.  Shit! I can't get to Engfa! Her cell is down.

Meena:Charlotte! How do get in contact with Engfa she doesn't have her phone on her.

Char(thinks):Hm.. her watch! Contact her watch!

Nesa:Okay. (Hangs up and calls Engfa watch)P'Fa!

Engfa:Chai! Nesa I can't talk I can't breathe.

Nesa:Look above you. There a hatch right there! Once you enter you can't leave the same way out. Our communication might cut off for a few.

Engfa:I'll do whatever it take to protect my family. Keep Charlotte calm for me. (Hangs up)

Nesa:Engfa! Shit! Meena she dropped the call. Where are the others?!

Meena:Stopping then from the shooting the missile but they are even aiming at them. What does Titan have planned.

Char(realizes):To trap Engfa inside. We have to do something!

Aoom:There's nothing we can do down here Charlotte! She in the fucking sky! She is going to die while in the fucking missile.

Char:I'm not buying that shit. She will survive.

Meena:Her survival rate is extremely low Charlotte.

Freen:Lets not worry about that. We need to focus on the ground. We managed to stop all the bombs but Titan guys are not giving up at all. Lisa is taken position on the other side while Becky is with the medic team. Engfa won't have enough oxygen in that missile. For now let's focus on the team on the ground. Nesa went to Lisa to help her. Chompu is with Becky.

Char:I don't need you to try and boss me around. Aoom and Meena are staying with me. We are going to get close to missile and keep them from trying to do a sneak attack.

Freen:(stop's Charlotte):This isn't my orders. (Points to the missile):It was hers and your fathers. She doesn't want anyone of you near that missile just in case it explodes!

While talking there was a sound of a explosion. Everyone looked up at the sky and noticed small missiles heading for Titan and Engfa. Nesa was using a launcher to stop them from hitting the missile. Charlotte immediately jumped into her car with Meenababe behind her. The ran to Nesa and started to help her. Inside the missile Engfa managed to get inside from the hatch door. It slammed shut behind her and as soon as she was inside Titan punched her in the face causing her to fall down. Everyone on the ground stopped fighting and was looking at new to see Engfa laying on the ground as Titan hovered over her. He aimed his gun at her and Engfa managed to get some strength and kicked him in his stomach. She got up and held up her fist. Titan smirked and put his gun down and held his fist up. The two started to fight each but Engfa was a little weak since she used most of her strength to hold herself on the missile. Titan managed to open the door and had Engfa dangling from the missile. She looked below her and saw how high they were. Titan dropped Engfa and she managed to grabbed that same metal bar. She pulled herself back up and got inside the missile. The door slammed shut locking them back inside. He tried punching Engfa again but she managed to dodge out the way. Titan groaned in pain as he punched the metal of the missile. Engfa found a rope and wrapped it around Titans neck.

Engfa:Just give up Titan! It doesn't have to end this way.

Titan:I'll rather die but that will be you!

Titan grabbed Engfa knife and stabbed her in the leg. Engfa screamed in pain but managed to wrap the rope around Titan neck again. He pressed his fingers into Engfas wound causing her to scream and let go. Titan grabbed his gun and shot next to Engfa. The alarm in the missile went off. Titan hurried and put the code in and the door opened. Engfa pushed him out and the door shut behind her. The oxygen inside of the middle was depleting fast. Engfa could barely move but she managed to hit the self destruct button.

Alarm:Self-destruct in 5 minutes.

Engfa:Fuck! There's no way out! (Breathes heavily) FUCK! (Looks around)

Alarm:4 minutes remaining.

Engfa slightly started to lose hope and her vision started going blurry. Engfa noticed a parachute and looked up to see a smile windows that she could climb out of.

Alarm:1 minute remaining.

Engfa:Shit. This how it ends huh.

Engfa could barely move because of her leg. The cameras started to fuzz out to the point they couldn't see each Engfa anymore. All they could hear was the alarm.

Alarm:Self destruct in 5

The missile exploded in the air causing everyone to look up at the sky. Charlotte heart immediately sunk watching everything.

Titan:Aw im sorry your wife couldn't make it out the missile.

Char(Turns around and shields Aoom):Your an asshole.

Titan:Well this asshole is going to kill you.

Titan aimed his gun at Charlotte and was about to pull the trigger until a sword went through him.

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