Chapter 4

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Engfa immediately realized what she did while walking to the hotel lobby. Engfa immediately called her dad and told him everything. He told her to meet everyone in the morning. Engfa hung up and noticed people surrounding the hotel. Engfa scanned around and noticed a few men dressed from the Titan company. She immediately took cover and immediately dialed Charlottes number. She didn't answer the first time but answered the second call.

Engfa:Charlotte listen to me. Grab the suitcase and the car keys and take Nesa with you. Titian must've got the message. He's got his people surrounding the building.

Char:Tell me what you need me to do.

Engfa:We're on the lowest floor so two climb out the window and turn left. There's an all black bulletproof car waiting. Press the unlock open on the car and the car doors will open. You'll have exactly 5 minutes to get into the car before it auto locks and take off to my location.

Char:Okay we are leaving now. What are you going to do?

Engfa:Giving you an open.

Char:Engfa I swear if y-

Engfa hangs up and immediately pulls out a duffel bag from under the counter. Engfa had a stash bag just in case. She carefully made her way to roof and started sniping Titian guys one by one. You could hear the impact of the bullet hitting their heads and their bodies hitting the ground. Engfa saw her watch counting down so she turned the sniper onto Charlotte. She saw them heading for the car. Engfa had a perfect shot to shoot Charlotte but inside she shot the guy by the car. She watched them get into the car but she felt someone choking her from behind. Engfa grabbed the knife from her shoe and stabbed the guy foot and turned around. She grabbed the pistol from his side and shot the man in his head. Engfa watch dinged letting her know the car was outside. Engfa grabbed her duffel bag and headed to the car. She had five minutes to get to the car. Someone grabbed Engfa again causing her to lose time. She heard the car getting ready to take off. Engfa immediately backed into the wall causing the guy to let her go. Engfa jumped over the car and pressed a button on her watch. The car immediately lifted the door open and Engfa jumped into the car. She got into the driver side and she sped off. Charlotte and Nesa stared at Engfa in awe seeing her in action.

Nesa:Where we going?

Engfa:Picking a friend who can translate this for me and plus she has eyes everywhere. We can crash there and go to the company in the morning. But you two might want to take a gun. We are being followed.

Char:Let me drive.

Engfa:Nahh baby just shoot.

Char:Daddy let me drive please. Don't you trust me?

Engfa face turned red and Charlotte climbed into Engfas lap and took over Engfa climbed into the backseat. Charlotte's nickname is Audi. She has a Audi but drives at crazy spee. Engfa pulled out her sniper and climbed into the trunk. Engfa started sniping the gunmen out the car that was tailgating them. She shot one of the tires but noticed that we was speed more then usual. She got from the trunk and into the backseat. She watched as Charlotte drifted the car. Engfa saw it as an opportunity and took out her AK-47 and started shooting the driver from the window. Charlotte then drifted back around and took off an crazy amount of speed. Charlotte drifted right as the other cars fipped over on the left. Only one car was caught up with them. Charlotte wanted to impress Engfa so she gently pressed on the brakes and spung the car around. She was head on with car. Charlotte slipped a switched on the car causing the car infront of them to explode. She smirked and headed to location Engfa requested. Once they arrived everyone was shocked with Charlottes skills.

Engfa:How knew my wife could drive that good?

Char:Because you never gave me the chance. We have a little problem though.

Engfa(bites her bottom lip):Yeah what's that?

Char:Where friend here didn't even bother to help us.

Nesa(feeling bad):I'm sorry I never shot an gun before. I'm just use to being undercover.

Engfa:Baby don't worry about that. At least she helped get the information we need.

Nesa(holding the suitcase):Trust me I'm good at things when I need to be. I don't shoot guns because that's what killed my father. You'll see what I'm good in.

Engfa knocked on the door and the door automatically opened. The trio walked inside and Engfa sat the suitcase down on the table that was in the middle of the room. As soon as Engfa turned around a woman held a gun up to Engfa.

?:Who the fuck are you?

Engfa(pulls out her gun):I could say the same about you two? Where's Chompu?

?:You must be her friend she was talking about. She step out for a few. She said she had to get someone.

Engfa:Who the fuck are you two?

?:Doesnt matter. Just know we are here to help.

?:Agreed. So what's in the brief case?

Engfa(stands in front of it):Sorry I don't work with people I don't know.

Nesa(stares):Uh Engfa. Where the bathroom?

Engfa:Down the hall second door to the right.

Nesa:Thanks! (Hurries off)

Char(follows Nesa and stands by the door):Yeah you better be peeing.

Nesa:Ah come on! I'm not a spy. Engfa trusts me.

Char:Well I don't.

?:Trouble in paradise?

Engfa:How about you just shut the fuck up. Don't say nothing until Chompu gets here.

?:Dont talk to her like that. We are only trying to help you alright?

Minutes went by and Chompu finally entered the house.

Chompu:Alright put the guns down and I'll introduce everyone. Engfa these two are my friends Freen and Becky. This right here is also my friend Lisa. They will help you.

Engfa:I can take care of myself thank you. I need your help to translate this paper for me.

Chompu:You I'm doing this for free?! Either you let them help you or I won't do shit else for you.

Engfa(sighs):It's always a fucking catch with her. I ask for help and you do this shit. (Takes off her shirt) Fine just translate this.

Nesa(comes out the bathroom and freezes):Chompu?!


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