Chapter 8

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A few days later

Charlotte entered Engfa room and sat next in the bed. She wanted to cuddle so bad but she just stared at Engfa and kissed her cheek.

Engfa:I'm not dead you know? What's wrong?

Char:I just um... nevermind. Get you some rest okay?

Engfa:No stay with me please and talk to me. How are we going to solve stuff if we can't talk to each other?

Char:I miss you okay. I just want to cuddle with you. Suddenly without you the bed feels so big. I feel so alone.

Engfa:I need to tell you something.

Char(Looks at Engfa):What is it P'Fa?

Engfa:I heard you talking to Aoom. About your child. That's the only thing I heard.

Char(looks at Engfa):Yeah... (looks down)

Engfa:Did you kill him?

Char:I don't know if that asshole died or he was just playing. All I know is Emily deserves better.(looks at Engfa with tears in her eyes)

Aoom(Looks at them from a far)

Engfa(Feels bad):How about we try to have a daughter and name her Emily. We can make sure she gets the life she deserves.

Char(crying):Really? You promise?

Engfa(smiles):Chai. Let's have a daughter and name her Emily. Let's give her the life she deserves.

Char(hugs Engfa while crying):Thank you.

Engfa(hugs back):Of course but um your carrying her.

Char(smirks):If I'm carrying you gotta put in the work.

Engfa:I can start right now. I'll ask my doctor to get us started.

Char:You fell for me didn't you?

Engfa:Anyways. Aoom doesn't know what we are married.

Char:I'm aware but answer my question. Did you fall for me?

Engfa:I don't wanna answer.

Char:Please baby?


Char:How can I make you tell me?

Aoom(walks in the room):We need to talk please.

Char:Should i step out?

Aoom:Nope. I want to know something. First why are you crying?

Char:Your mom said something that touch my heart.

Engfa:I told her we can have a daughter and name her Emily.

Aoom:Mom I want to apologize for what I said and I hope you can forgive me.

Engfa(Looks at Aoom):It's okay my love. I forgive you. What's on your mind?

Aoom:Are you two actually married because last time I checked you wasn't married.

Engfa(sighs):No we are not. In order to get into certain places I need to be married. Like titans married place I needed to be married. You know Charlotte and I were enemies but I guess our parents knew it would bring us closer together. Which I can't lie it did. I learned something's about her like she did about me.

Meena(Runs in the room):It's Titan he's getting ready to launch the attack in a few hours. He said he's going to send someone to meet us. He sent a message and I hurried to you.

Aoom(goes to Meena and hugs her):Everything will go back to normal I promise.

Meena(wraps her arms around Aooms waist):I don't want anything to happen to you again. I failed to protect you the first time and I won't fail you again.

Aoom(smiles):Don't worry I'll be careful. Now maybe you can talk to my mom Hm? (Kisses Meena and leaves)

Engfa(death stares at Meena):Really?

Meena(freezes):I- uh yeah? I'm coming P'Chompu. (Runs off)

Engfa:Am I that scary?

Char:Mhm but I can handle it. We need to go.

Engfa:Wait. I did start to fall for you Charlotte. I wanna try I'll get my doctor in here.

A few minutes went past and Englot joined even in the meeting room. Engfa phone rung and she put it on speaker.

Titan:Hm. Some stuff came up so I won't launch this missle yet. Maybe next week maybe tomorrow. I'll never tell you but my guy who you'll love to meet will be at Khao Yai National Park. Sounds familiar Charlotte? (Chuckles and hangs up)

Charlotte immediately froze and her eyes widen. She grew angry and felt rage. Charlotte immediately headed out the company. Engfa Aoom and Meena immediately followed. They got into the car and Charlotte drove at incredible speed scaring Meenababe. Once they arrived Charlotte got out the car and walked to a guy who was dressed in all black. He turned around smoking his cigarette and smirked.

Guy:Missed me hun?

Char(Angry):You fucker! How are you still alive?

Guy:You were weak did you think you could really choke me.

Char:Aran! You killed my daughter! You fucking drowned her!

Aran:Chai I did but who's going to fucking believe you princess? Emily is dead let her the fuck go.

A switch went off in Engfa head she grabbed her gun and immediately placed it in the middle of Arans head. He froze and stared at Engfa.

Engfa:Say it and I'll blow his brains.

Char(tears falling):You killed my daughter! My first born! Do you not understand tha pain that had me?!

Char took the cigarette and placed it on Arans cheek. He screamed and pushed Char back. Engfa immediately shot him in his arm and aimed the gun at his head.

Engfa:Like I said give me the word.

Aran:Alright. Alright I'm sorry Charlotte. It was wrong for me but I didn't think the girl was going t-

Char pulled out her gun and shot him in the other arm.

Char:Her name is Emily! She's dead because of you.

Aran:Well you should've never went to sleep.

Charlotte shot him in the head emptying her clip on him. She started crying and kept shooting him. She pulled out her knife and started stabbing him over and over. Engfa immediately grabbed Charlotte and pulled her into a hug. A few minutes went passed and Engfa knew she had to do something before it was too late. She hugged Aoom for awhile before hugging Charlotte. Engfa called her other car and hurried off.

Engfa:Nesa you there?

Nesa:Yes wassup?

Engfa:How much oxygen is in the missile once it's launched.

Nesa:Well until it self destructs you'll have 25 minutes of oxygen but if it self destructs you'll have 10. Why?

Engfa:Prepare everyone to be ready for Titan men.

Nesa:Hell are you doing P'Fa!?!

Engfa:Finishing this once and for all.(hangs up and drives to Titans place)

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