Chapter 11

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10 months later

Charlotte kept her promise by visiting Engfa every day. One night Charlotte was laying in bed until she felt like she had to pee. Once she sat up her water broke and she immediately screamed.

Char:Henry! Get your ass up and take me to the hospital na! My water broke!

Henry(gets out of bed and falls on the floor):Shit! Shit! Ouch! Shut up! Don't say anything!

Henry got dressed and took Charlotte to the hospital. While Charlotte was in the room Henry called everyone letting them know Charlotte was giving birth to Emily. Literally everyone pulled up after Henry said she was giving birth.

Aoom:Can I go in?

Henry:Only the father is allowed duhhh.

Aoom:Ughhh that's lame.

Mr.Austin:Hey Charlotte said she doesn't want anyone in there when she give birth. She's still cautious. Plus she's having a daughter name Emily. She doesn't want it to happen again. I don't blame her.

A few minutes went passed and the doctors later everyone into the room to hold Emily. Charlotte watched every SINGLE body hold her daughter. Mrs.Austin let the Warahas hold Emily as well since they were part of the family as well. While Henry was holding Emily the door opened and someone walked in. The whole family pulled out a gun aiming at the person. The woman chuckled holding flowers in her hand and pulled down her mask smiling.

Engfa:Gonna shoot me?

Doctor:Who is she? Shall we have her removed?

Char(Crying and reaches out her hands):No. That's the father of my child.

Engfa immediately hugged Charlotte after putting the flowers down. Engfa hugged everyone before looking at Emily. Engfa took off her jacket and carefully picked up Emily. Engfa sat down and noticed how close she had Emily to her. Engfa started to have flashbacks of Aoom when she was young. Engfa realized all that Aoom waited was a nice long hug from her. Engfa carefully gave Charlotte Emily and walked to Aoom. Aoom was confused and stared at Engfa. Engfa opened her arms and Aoom just started crying like a kid. Engfa smiled and hugged Aoom. Engfa felt complete while hugging Aoom. Aoom felt so happy just hugging her mother. Engfa smiled and kissed Aoom head before hugging her parents again.

Engfa(In English):Mr.Austin and Henry thank you for saving me na. I know it probably was trouble to save me but thank you. Thank you for loving me and t-t (looks at Char and speaks Thai) Hwi to you saying trusing in English?

Char(smiles and softly giggles):It's trusting.

Engfa:Trusting me with your daughter and sister na. Don't worry she in good hands.

Mr.Austin:You save our son Engfa. The best we could do was save you. We should let you and Charlotte be alone. Come on everyone dinner is on me.

Char:I want a burger na. (Pouts)


Char:Ass eater:

Henry:Peter Griffin headass.

Char:No girlfriend broke ass.

Mr.Austin:You two stop it now.

Henry:She started it.

Char:How? When you called me a fatass? You lint licker.

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