Chapter 5

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Chompu(hugs Nesa):Your not married to him are you?

Nesa:No he's dead. Can you translate the paper?

Chompu:Yes of course.

Char:How you two know each other?

Chompu:Went to school together.

Nesa:Chai. We use to date.

Pu:Th-this... what the fuck!

Freen:What's wrong? It's in symbols.

Pu:It's a code for a bombs missile and I believe a place.

Becky:It's a different codes for different things.

Lisa(looks at the paper):The first code unlocks the door. A safe. The second code is for the bombs and that last one is for the missile.

Becky:Each of them have a time limit once they are set off. Freen and I can focus on the bomb.

Lisa:Chompu and I can go to the safe.

Char:Where will the missile be?

Pu:It said the missile is located onto the house. Must be a secret room somewhere. Lisa and I can scope that out.

Nesa:I'll come too. I can hack into the systems just in case.

Char:Hm that's actually sounds good. So that means Engfa and I will focus on the missile.

Lisa:The way you were driving was insane. Who knew Engfa would married an badass.

Engfa:She was pretty badass.

Freen:Did you handle everything at the hotel?

Engfa:Of course how do you think I got here?

Becky:Can you two stop going at each others neck? Your both married and have a woman that calls you daddy. You both are masculine so let the shit go and focus what's at stake here.

Engfa:Can we crash here for tonight? We'll be gone in the morning.

Pu:Of course stay as along as you need but you might have to share a room.

Engfa:Fine with me.

Engfa closed the briefcase and walks into a room.

Char:What are you hiding?

Pu:The missile doesn't have an escape mechanism. They might build one but if you enter it there's no way out and it can only fit two people inside. The space only allows two people. Someone will have to be on ground to keep an eye out to make sure no one shoots it.

Engfa(walks out):If it comes down to that I'll be in the missile. Honey can you join me in bed please.


Engfa:Thanks for the help again.

Engfa and Charlotte went into the room and put on some comfortable clothes. They got on the bed and Engfa was staring at her watch. Engfa sat up and grabbed the papers she noticed another paper but that's when Charlotte pulled Engfa onto the bed. Even through have to pretend to be married Charlotte was getting feelings for Engfa. Charlotte started kissing Engfa while pulling her on the bed. Engfa was confused and immediately pulled out the kiss. They stared at each other for a few before kissing again. Engfa gently wrapped her hands around Charlottes waist. She placed her hand on Charlottes ass and groped them. Charlotte softly moaned and got frustrated after hearing a knock on the door. Engfa went to the door and opened it.

Engfa:Is everything okay?

Chompu:If I'm not mistaken there was another paper in there. Shall we take a look at it?

Engfa(looks at Charlotte then back at Chompu):Nahh. My wife and I want some alone time as of right now. In the morning at the office we can discuss it.

Chompu:You really changed Engfa. I guess you don't always put work before your family. You must really love your wife. (Leaves)

Engfa locked the door and joined Charlotte on the bed.

Char(blushing):So they all think we are married for real except Nesa right?

Engfa:Chai. I rather keep it that way. Plus the less people that knows the safer it is for us. How did you learn to drive like that?

Char:Well to be honest I was a bad kid.

Engfa:Hard time believing that.

Char:Mmm let my dad tell you about that. How did you learn how to shoot?

Engfa:Mae taught me. Dad taught me how to move quietly. I just need to check my surroundings more.

Char:And English too.

Engfa:Hey I'm learning.

Char:I can teach you. For example(in English) kiss me.

Engfa(In English):Kiss me?

Char immediately started to kiss Engfa. Engfa smirked and started to kiss her back hovering over Charlotte. Engfa hand slowly slid down Charlottes panties and gently ran her finger's against Charlottes clit. Engfa started to rub Charlottes clit which made her softly moan in between the kisses. Charlotte pulled out the kiss and look down. That's when she realized what she was doing.

Char:Wait P'Fa.

Engfa(stops):Yes? You okay?

Char:Yes but we shouldn't do this. I don't have a boyfriend in England. He's supposed to be here tomorrow. I should've told you sooner.

Engfa:It's um fine.

Char:P'Fa I want it as much as you do.

Engfa:Then let me do something else.

Char:What is it that you want?

Engfa removed her hand and slowly started kissing down Charlottes body. Char gently placed her hand on top of Engfas head. Engfa gently flicked her tongue onto Chars clit. Charlotte moans almost got loud but she was slowly controlling herself. Her body tensed up having this sensation she never felt before. She haven't even felt this sensation with her boyfriend. Engfa wrapped her arms around Chars legs making sure they were trapping her in. Charlotte tried pushing Engfa head away but Engfa stay in the same spot sucking Chars clit harder. Char immediately made an arch and again tried stopping Engfa but it was no use. Charlotte moans was getting louder which cause her to cover her own mouth so no one could hear them. Engfa made eye contact as she started to finger Char while sucking on her clit. Charlotte immediately came while gripping Engfas hair. Engfa chuckled and started to kiss Charlotte. They both took and shower and ended up falling asleep until the next morning.

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