Chapter 12

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The Next Day

Englot decided to take Emily out the house since Charlotte basically been hiding her from the world. They had bodyguards and Meenababe tagged along with Englot.

Aoom:Where we going?

Engfa:To Heidi and Tina so they can meet Emily.

Char(crosses her arm angrily):I thought we discussed this Engfa. I don't want everyone holding our child.

Engfa:I guess you forgot they help us too you know. Come on baby what will it take for you to trust my family too?

Char:When we get our own place. Maybe my attitude will change. I'm still not satisfied with l-

Engfa(Kisses Char):Lets worry about that when nobody is around.

Char(rolls her eyes):Yea sure let's go.

Aoom:Wait mom someone wanted to ask you something well a couple of things. Go on ask.

Meena:Uh well. Can I have sex with your daughter?

Engfa(death stares):Huh?

Meena:Wait! No! I mean uh can I uh?

Char:Of course you can. Aoom is grown only permission you need from us is you wanting to marry her. Do what you want.

Aoom:Thanks. We will take the care behind you.

Char:I'll join you.

Engfa:Princess stop okay? I promise after we meet them we can go buy that house you wanted.

Char(tries not to smile):Promise?

Engfa:Yes you have my word.

Char(smiles and walks to the car):Well let's our driver is waiting.

Engfa(looks at Meena):Better wear a condom. (Stares at Meena) if you get her pregnant you have to marry her. Do her wrong and I'll kill you. (Smiles) Got it?

Aoom(hits Engfa):Mae! (Leaves with Meena)

Engfa got into the car after strapping Emily down in her car seat. Once Engfa got inside the car took off with four cars immediately following them. Charlotte held Engfa hand before kissing it. Engfa smiled and kissed Chars hand before looking at Chars neck. Engfa put the divider up and started to kiss Chars neck. Charlotte was shocked and blushed hard. She gently pushed Engfa head back but Engfa attached herself back onto Chars neck. Charlotte closed her eyes letting Engfa kiss all over her leaving dangerous hickies on her. Charlotte was moaning softly to keep herself from waking Emily up.

Char:Baby. Can t-this wake until we buy that house please? I didn't even bring any extra clothes.

Engfa:Mmm there's something in the trunk Spread your legs.

Char:Baby whoa n-not in front of Emily.

Engfa started kissing Charlotte and slid her hand up Chars skirt. Engfa gently rub her thumb on Charlottes clit. Charlotte was soaked and she didn't know what to do. As they kissed Engfa started to finger Charlotte slowly. Charlotte leaned her head back and started to breathe slowly. Engfa pumped her fingers faster while using her thumb to rub Chars clit. Charlotte immediately came and hurried and pulled Engfas fingers out. Engfa sucked on her fingers while getting Charlotte extra clothes. Once Charlotte changed her clothes they arrived at Heinas place and Charlotte was a little sleepy. Engfa carefully grabbed the car seat and headed to their door. She knocked and Tina immediately answered the door.

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