Chapter 2

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Mr.Austin:First you two will go and get a wedding dress and suit. Next your ride will take you to the party. Once you arrive a woman name Tina Wig will give you intel about the Titan Company. When you speak with her record the conversation. She's our inside intel. You two will make sure everyone has their eyes on you. Your wearing black Wheein the party is all white. You'll stand out. Blend in with the crowd. Please don't fuck this up please. We will give you both an ear piece. Then we will take it from there.

Engfa:Okay but what about the tattoo. I'm not hiding mine and Charlotte doesn't have one. That can make her an easy target.

Mr.Austin:I don't want my princess going through that pain. You two will need to dance kiss hold hands everything.

Char:Daddy we know na. We got you. I promise.

Engfa:Do we have to have sex?

Mr.A:If you two want to but if someone asks about your sex life I hope you two know how to answer well.

Char:Don't worry dad I won't fail. I'll put a fake dragon tattoo on my back like you all.

Engfa(looks at Char):Don't. Just leave your back the way it is and earn the tattoo.

Char(sighs):Did yours hurt?

Engfa(shakes head):I have a high pain tolerance so getting it on my neck wasn't bad.

Char(nods and looks at her father):We should be going right?

Mr.A:Yes your ride is outside waiting on you two.

Engfa:Great. I'll keep in contact.

Charlotte and Engfa was walking out holding hands. As soon as they were out their parents eyes they immediately let go of each other hands and aimed their guns at each other. They pulled the trigger but both of their clips was empty. They sighed and got into the car and headed to pick out Charlottes dress. Engfa didn't want to choose at all she wanted to kill her as soon as possible. Engfa said not to all the dress even the one Charlotte liked. Charlotte changed into the last black dress and Engfa stared at Charlotte differently. Her back was out she was beautiful. Engfa was staring for so long to the point Charlottes face turned red slightly.

Char:You hate this one too?

Engfa:Lets get this one. (Smiles)

Char:Really? Finally. I love this one a lot.

Engfa:Great I'll buy it for you.

Lady:Oh you two are married to each other?

Char:Yes we are. Is that a problem?

Lady:No of course not.

Char:Then don't stare at my husband like that. I mean that shit. She's mine and mine only look somewhere else. That's the third time I saw you staring at her crotch. Now fuck off before I shove my foot up your ass! I don't play about what's mine. (Stares at Engfa) and I told you to stop wearing you button shirts like that. No else needs to see your cleavage. That's mine and mine only. Button it up now.

Engfa(smirks and buttons up her shirt):I'll go pay now. (Gets up and follows the lady) Sorry about her. She's very clingy and super clingy.

Lady:You sure your in love with her? You seem more into me then her.

Engfa:Oh yeah? How did I show that?

Lady:The way you kept eye contact with me the whole time until she wore the dress with her back out.

Engfa(gives the lady cash for the dress):Oh really?

Lady(holds Engfa hands):Yes really plus I won't be as crazy as her.

Char(staring from a far):Why are they holding hands.(slightly jealous)

Engfa(Removes her hand):Sorry but I'm loyal to my wife! I'll be damn to leave her for some low life horny ass dog! Keep the fucking change lady.

Lady:I know you two aren't actually married! I know why you two are really here! For the Titan wedding right? One of his workers are getting married.

Engfa(sighs and shoots the lady in the head):Yeah we need a clean up.

Char:Did you really have kill the poor woman?

Engfa:Do you have to be uptight? (Leaves)

Char:I should've killed you..(leaves)

Englot gets into the car and headed to the party. Engfa got out first and opened the door for Charlotte. Charlotte got out and they held each others hand while walking to the door. They were stopped by a guard. He scanned the married couple before looking at the list.

Guards:This is an all white party.

Engfa:And? Not everyone likes white asshole.

Guard:I'm sure you two aren't on the list. Names.

Engfa:Charlotte and Engfa Waraha.

Guard(freezes while staring at the list):Um A-Waraha? Yes sorry you two are on the listen um. Enjoy! (Moves out the way)

Engfa:After you my love. (Helps Charlotte upstairs)

Char(smiles):Thank you.

Englot heads inside the party and sit at a table. Engfa noticed Charlotte looking around mostly at the food but didn't bother to help her. Engfa looked at her watch and saw a text coming from her dad.

Phew:Honey thank you so much for doing this for your mother and I. That  means a lot that your willing to go out the way for us. Charlotte father told us that Charlotte is taking pills for her panic attacks and depression. The meds stops for from eating. Can you please make sure she eats while your there? I don't want her to get sick. I know you'll do well. Please?

Engfa:Chai phew I'll get her food now.

Engfa immediately walked away and started making herself some food. She made Charlotte a plate and fixed her something to drink. Charlotte laid her head on the table as soon as Engfa walked away. Once Engfa came back and gave Charlotte the food and something to drink. Charlotte was shocked but she said thank you and started eating. While they were eating someone approached them.

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