Chapter 7

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Englot and Meena headed to the lighthouse.

Meena:P'Fa we got company.

Engfa:Can you shoot?

Meena:Mai. Never even held a gun.

Engfa:The fuck can you do then?!

Char:Engfa stop it. You focus on getting them. Meena pick a gun that looks comfortable to you.

Meena(picks up a pistol):Chai.

Char:Aim carefully at the guys and think about Aoom.

Engfa was shooting until she saw another shot hit the driver in the head. Meena shot the pistol not scared. She started shooting and so did Engfa.

Char:P'Fa! In front of me!

Engfa climbed to the front seat and started shooting from the window. Charlotte immediately slammed on break noticed she was surrounded. Engfa sighed and noticed Meena in the backseat scared. Charlotte looked at Engfa.

Engfa:Follow my lead. Stay in the car. When I show three fingers behind by back do a doughnut and I'll jump into the car. The smoke will give us an advantage.

Char:Please Becareful.

Engfa slowly got out the car and walked forward slowly to the middle. The guys got out there cars and aimed their guns at Engfa. Engfa pressed a button on her watch and carefully held her hand behind her back. Charlotte stared at Engfa and watched Engfa raised three fingers. Charlotte immediately started to drift causing heavy smoke. Engfa got into the car and started shooting the men with suppressors. Aiming at the heads Meena followed as well. Charlotte saw an opening and took off. They headed to the lighthouse and saw a few cars. They got out the car and carefully walked to the lighthouse. Engfa took one guard while Charlotte took the other. They both snapped the guards neck and headed inside. Meena shot both of the guards that was inside and looked around. It was empty until Charlotte looked up and noticed a latch. She tapped Engfa and she noticed. Engfa climbed up the ladder and opened the hatches slowly. She held her gun carefully and looked around. She helped Charlotte and Meena up. No one was there. Engfa felt so sad and angry until she heard someone screaming in the distance. Engfa looked at the pier and saw a girl tied to a pole over water. Engfa jumped off the lighthouse into a pile of mattresses. The broke her fall and she immediately ran towards the water. Charlotte and Meena frozed in confusion. Meena immediately aimed the gun to see where Engfa is going. She covered Engfa from above. Engfa reached the pier and saw Aoom making eye contact with her. She shook her head and side eye a guard. Meena noticed and shot the guard. Engfa started to untie Aoom and carried her all the way back to the car. Meena and Charlotte didn't jumped down. They left the same way they came in. While driving Engfa got a call of Freen.

Engfa:We got Aoom.

Freen:Engfa! We managed to stop the bombs. Titan was here too. He's angry about all his men dying. Not only that he's heading to his company. You should get a call from him. (Shooting) More of his men showed up Engfa. We getting pinned down here.

Engfa:I'll be there. Get in contact with Nesa and she'll help you until I get there.

Freen:Alright. See you soon.

Engfa:Change of plans I need to go help Freen Becky and Lisa. They are pinned down.

Char:Well I'm coming too.

Aoom:Me too. That fucker kidnapped me I'm fucking him up.

Engfa(sighs):Aoom stay here and I mean that please.

Aoom:No! Meena and I are going he hurt me too! Let me finally prove to you that I'm ready.

Engfa:Aoom I said no.

Aoom(gets angry):Oh now you want to be my mother?!


Aoom grabbed her gun and held Meena hand walking out. Engfa frozed realizing what Aoom said. Her words really cut deep. Char and Engfa left catching up with Aoom and Meena. They all managed to catch up with Freen Becky and Lisa. They took cover from the car and Engfa got out but making everyone stay in the car. She held her hands up and toss the gun down. All the men looked at her confused and lowered their weapons. Engfa had pressed a button on her watch before anyone could look at her. She closed her eyes and slowly walked towards them. A car started to start up and one of the cars exploded killing have of men. One guy immediately stabbed Engfa in her stomach but no one could see it because of the flames and smoke. Engfa picked up her gun and started shooting everyone. She noticed a guy creeping up on the car so she hurried and got him in the head. After they defended all the men Engfa called another car. She got into the car and drove off. Charlotte sighed knowing Aoom words hurt Engfa. Charlotte looked in the review mirror and saw Meena and Aoom holding hands. Charlotte looked at her empty hand and started to drive back to the company. Once they arrived nobody knew Engfa was stabbed until Charlotte saw something dripping onto the floor. Her eyes widen and Engfa immediately ran into her mother and father arms. She showed them the wound and her father carried her into their personal doctor room. She laid her on the bed and the doctor went to Engfa. Charlotte watched from afar and walked to Aoom.

Char:I know you didn't mean what you said to her did you?

Aoom:Of course not. I just want her to stop treating me like a child. I want to prove to her that I'm ready.

Char:Have you ever thought about how your mom might feel about you?

Aoom:What you mean?

Char:Your her only child. The pain of a mother losing her child is the worst pain in the world. She wants to keep you safe. You were already kidnapped if you die your mother will blame herself until she dies. When you feel like it's right you should apologize. Those words cut your mother deep. Also you should tell her about you and Meena. I saw you two holding hands in the car.

Aoom:I will but how do you know the pain of losing a child?

Meena:Uh Aoom you shouldn't ask that.

Char(closes her eyes and sighs):It's okay. I dated this guy who I thought was the first and last. He seemed so perfect.

Engfa(listening through her watch)

Aoom:What happened?

Char:Well when I told him I was pregnant everything changed. He was distant and started cheating. When I tried breaking up with him he promised me that he changed but didn't. I gave birth to my daughter Emily. When we were able to take her home he was always around. One day I was sleep but my gut told me to wake up. When I woke up I immediately ran to her crib and she wasn't there. I ran into the bathroom and uh she was uh in the tub drowned. She was dead. When he came back I screamed at him and killed him with my bare hands. My my baby girl was gone... (looks at Aoom) just apologize to her.

Charlotte started crying and immediately went into her father arms. He didn't question her not one bit. He held his little girl close to him. Engfa listened to the whole conversation with tears in her eyes. In that moment Engfa realized that she fell harder for Charlotte.

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