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She stared down with a deep frown at the cranberry pie before her. If she squinted her eyes hard enough, she could feel a little something. But Leilani couldn't figure out just what that something was.

During this week that she had locked herself up in her dorm, she had occluded way more than what's supposed to be a healthy amount. And it had gotten to the point where she found it hard to feel anything. The only thing that had made her feel the tiniest amount of something was this stupid cranberry pie.

And she still couldn't figure out why.

It had driven her so crazy to the point where she had come down here to the kitchens every night at 9 o'clock to try and figure it out. Even the elfs had become accustomed to her presence and after the third visit, they already had a prepared piece of pie on the counter, waiting for her. The only thing that made the insides of her stomach all warm and fuzzy.

Which had to mean something, right?

And it was not like it was a very pleasant feeling either. It was uncomfortable and weird. Leilani even pondered over the idea to at least try and gain some feelings back. But there was no point in trying. Because it turns out, when you occlude to a certain point, a certain level, it becomes harder to regain the things you were so desperately trying to hide.

But to be honest, she really didn't care.

If not feeling anything means that life isn't as painful anymore, Leilani would gladly walk around as a living corpse. No matter how much it hurt her brother and her friends.

For once in her life, she would think about herself. She would be selfish. And this is how she decides to be selfish. By making herself wither away.

She huffed, irritated by herself. Since when had she become so bloody pitiful? Leilani pushed the piece of cranberry pie away from her, releasing another sigh. Ignoring the curious set of eyes watching her nervously from a distance, she held her palm out, waiting for the flower to show up. Waiting for it to release her from her troubles.

Nothing happened.

That's odd.

Usually it happened without her doing anything. She tried once more, opening her palm up to the surface as she relaxed her entire body, trying to signal her energy. Again. Nothing happened.

Leilani frowned.

Her eyes moved to her side when she heard small footsteps walking towards her. There beside her stood Milly, fiddling nervously with her ear as she looked anywhere but at the Malfoy girl before her "Uh-...Mr Weasley's girlfriend?" Leilani rolled her eyes. The stupid elfs had refused to get that silly title out of their little heads. "Milly is only asking if you didn't like the pie? Milly could make Miss something else if Miss is still hungry?"

Despite her lack of emotions, Leilani felt her eyes softening a notch. With a soft shake of her head, she addressed the elf carefully, not wanting to make it cry "It's fine, Milly. Thank you though for being so kind"

Her purple eyes lit up, almost bouncing on her feet "It's no problem miss! Milly is happy to help. Perhaps Milly could offer to miss an orange? They're fresh! Milly and Grus handpicked them this morning"

She was about to decline, but then the thing just had to stare up at her with those sodding puppy eyes. She scowled "Yes"

The elf squealed, immediately running off before she returned. Leilanis eyes bugged out of her head at the sight of the little elf carrying a basket twice her size. Milly apparated before appearing right on the counter before her, setting the basket down "For miss!" Then she glanced away as a blush rose on her cheeks, twirling her ear again. "Milly really likes Mr Weasley's girlfriend. Milly wished Miss would come by all the time!"

Flowers and Oranges - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now