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Oranges or flowers?

Oranges and Flowers?



Her whole life that question had always had a simple answer. One she would be able to answer without a second thought. If you had asked her a week ago, she would have immediately said flowers. Leilani liked to believe that she'd always had a special connection to flowers.

From the colorful petals to the green branches.

But now as she's staring down at the orange next to her pile of flowers, she can't help but feel a hint of hesitation. What is it about the damn orange that makes her so unsure? It had always been flowers, so why does she feel the same electric pull towards a stupid orange?

Leilani doesn't know how long she'd been sitting there on the grass, staring down between the two things with a furrow in her brows. Must be a couple of hours at least. She didn't look up until she felt a comfortable weight being wrapped around her shoulders. Gently glancing to the side, she spotted Theo as he sat himself down next to her "You're going to catch a cold, flower. We aren't in august anymore, it's getting cold"

Rolling her eyes, she wrapped the coat tighter around her "You do realize we live in a world of magic? I don't need a coat to keep me warm" Leilani glanced at him from the corner of her eye, biting back a smile "But thank you"

Theo nodded, matching her smile "Anything for you" When she huffed gently and glanced back down to the two objects in front of her, his eyes followed, led by a furrow in his brow as he glanced up at her "Doing an upgrade?"

Her eyes narrowed down at the fruit "I'm..not sure"

Theo frowned, then shrugged "Well, are you going to do anything with it?-" he began as he reached for it "I'm bloody starving-"

He was cut off as Leilani slapped his hand away from the fruit "Don't touch it. I'm trying to figure something out"

Theo paused. Blinked. "And what is that, flower?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out, Theo. Keep up" she sighed and then with a wave of her hand, another orange dropped down in Theo's lap. "You said you were hungry. Eat" He grinned and accepted it, immediately peeling into it.

Around a mouthful of orange, he managed to speak "We have class in fifteen minutes"

Leilani sighed again and nodded, standing up, dusting herself off. Wrapping her coat around her even tighter, she watched as Theo got up to his feet as well, throwing his arm around her shoulders as they started to move back towards the castle "Defense against the dark arts, right?"

He nodded, throwing the orange peel to the side as he popped the last orange wedge into his mouth "Yup. With Gryffindor"

She groaned "Great. That's just fantastic"

He looked down at her with a grin "Aw don't be so negative. Who knows? It's always fun to watch Potter and Weasley stumble around each other"

"You mean duel?" she raised a brow in amusement

Theo looked straight ahead as they entered the castle once again, the warmth immediately meeting their faces "No" he replied simply.

Leilani chuckled, slipping out of his arm to remove the coat around her shoulders. Once it hit the ground, it disappeared in an instant. Theo gasped slightly, opening his mouth to protest. She waved him off with a smirk "Relax, Theo. It's in your room"

He rolled his eyes with a smile, huffing as they headed towards the dada classroom. As they walked, he took his time inspecting her. She walked with her head high as usual, always proud and confident...but something was off. Something about Leilani was different and he couldn't put his finger on it. "...Did you find your wand yet?"

Flowers and Oranges - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now