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He couldn't get her out of his mind and it was officially driving him crazy. She was driving him crazy. Ever since Ron returned to his dorm last night, the only thing he could think about was her on the astronomy tower. He thought he would forget it (well, think about it less) when he'd wake up, but oh was he wrong.

He thought about her as Hermione stormed into his dorm to wake him up, he thought about her as he got dressed and as he dragged his feet towards the great hall. He thought about her as he played with his breakfast and he thought about her as he glanced over at the slytherin table for the tenth time.

It was getting ridiculous.

He couldn't even focus in class. Not that he does normally, but he did enjoy to at least have the option to. Ron sighed in his chair frustratedly, ready to smash his head down on the table beneath him as the image of her blonde silky hair running through his fingers flashed in his mind.

Harry glanced at him curiously, tilting his head "You look awfully frustrated"

Taking his head out of his hands, he looked up, releasing another sigh "We're in potions class, mate. Slughorn is making everyone frustrated"

Harry shook his head slowly, inspecting him. " look a different kind of frustrated"

Ron furrowed his brows, sitting straighter in his chair "What?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, turning towards them as Slughorn finally finished whatever he was saying "What he means is that you look sexually frustrated, Ron"

He almost choked on his spit, trying his hardest not to look over to where she was currently sitting. Clearing his throat, he shook his head as he glared at his friend's smirks "Don't we have a potion to do?"

Both of them chuckled as they left to gather the ingredients for today's potion, leaving him alone for a moment. He took his chance to spare a glance over to the other side of the classroom to where she was sitting hunched over the table, barely able to keep her eyes open. He bit back a smile as she fought the weight of her head, before she relented and rested it on her brother's shoulder.

He didn't get that much sleep either after last night. When Ron returned to the common room the sun was on the brink of rising and when he finally threw himself into his bed, it seemed like Hermione woke him up five minutes later.

But it was fine. He was used to the lack of sleep. Perks of fighting a war.

Malfoy however, was struggling. Ron watched as she forced her head off of Dracos shoulder and dragged her feet over to the ingredients cabinet, barely containing a yawn on the way. Before he could stop himself, he walked over to her, stopping beside her as she inspected a jar of slugs. "Tired, Malfoy?"

She didn't even spare him a glance, only scoffed "Fuckface" she muttered under her breath

Ron raised a brow, turning his body so that he was leaning his shoulder against the shelf, completely facing her. Crossing his arms over his chest, he chuckled "I'll take that as a yes" glancing around to make sure that no one was looking, he leaned down "Something kept you up, huh?"

Her back straightened and she turned towards him, arms full of ingredients for the potion. About to walk away, she stopped with a glare "You better watch your back, Weasley" He felt a sudden tug on his robe before she stormed away to her table, where the slytherins waited for her. Trying his hardest not to visibly sniff the air, he reached down into his pocket, only to feel a piece of paper.

"Ron!" His head snapped up to find Hermione giving him something "Take this, would you? My arms are full" Leaving the note in his pocket, he quickly reached out to help her, walking after her towards her table.

Flowers and Oranges - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now