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Once upon a time sleep came easy. Sleep was something you enjoyed doing and could see yourself doing forever if the circumstances let you. You could go to bed at nine and sleep your way to two in the evening.

But what you didn't realize then was how grateful you should be.

Because there wasn't a single night where Leilani got more than three hours of sleep. There wasn't a single night she wasn't afraid to close her lids because she knew the nightmares would come. There wasn't a single night she actually felt safe enough to let herself go.

She layed wide awake on her back, staring up at the ceiling from her four-poster bed. Green silk covers surrounded her, almost suffocating her in a way. But then again, when hadn't something suffocated her? She didn't remember. When she was twelve perhaps? Thirteen tops.

The arm around her waist tightened its grip and drew her closer, a head nestling into her neck, mumbling innocent mumble under his breath. Theos' soft brown locks tickled her chin, his breaths kissing the hollow of her neck.

Leilani smiled as she glanced down at his sleeping form, lifting a hand to move the hair out of his face repeatedly. She could see him relax in his unconscious form, a soft smile in the corner of his lips. The sheets huddled by his waist, exposing his olive skin and she absently counted the beauty marks painting his broad back.

Her fingers trailed each of them, leaving a path only he would feel. She wanted him to know that he meant everything to her. That without him, she probably wouldn't be here today. That he was her person. Her soulmate.

She hoped he knew that.

As her fingers lightly skimmed over his eyebrows, Theo stirred and peeked an eye open. Once he saw her face staring down at him, he grinned and brought her tighter against him. Snuggling his face into her neck, he pressed a kiss below her jaw. "Were you watching me sleep?"

She shrugged innocently "Perhaps"

Leilani felt his lips pull into a smirk against her neck as his mouth then moved to her jaw, trailing soft kisses all the way up to her cheek. Theo propped himself up on his elbow and stared down at her "Did you get any sleep?"

She sat up, leaning against the headboard and conjuring a mirror into her hand. Glancing into it, she wasn't even shocked at the sight. Her under eyes were horrendous. Awful. If this were three years ago, she probably would have cried at seeing her like this. But unfortunately, that's what insomnia did to you. So she sighed and put the mirror down "Is it that obvious?"

Theo's expression softened and he moved her blonde locks out of her face, taking her face into his hands "You are beautiful, flower. Always have been and always will be. Besides, I have those too" he finished with a scoff and pointed to his own under eyes.

She bit back a grin and rolled her eyes, pulling the satin covers away from her body, making her fully exposed. Her eyes roamed the floor to find her clothes and she frowned when she couldn't spot them. She heard a chuckle behind her and just when she turned around, something soft smacked into her face, dropping into her lap.

She scowled at his smug face, throwing her white shirt over her head and knickers over her legs as she then stood up. Drawing the curtains back from her bed, she looked around her dorm to find her robes. Pansy sat on her bed, putting socks on and without looking up, she pointed at the desk where her robes hung "Thanks, pans"

The raven haired girl shrugged and stood up, looking past Leilani's shoulder with a teasing smirk to spot Theo leaning comfortably against her bed frame "Fancy seeing you here, Theo. Again"

Leilani rolled her eyes as she threw Theo's shirt at him, hitting him in the face which made her grin. "Fuck off, Pansy. You don't see me comment on all the girls you bring up here"

Flowers and Oranges - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now