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Ron had been awake that whole night. Twisting and turning around in his bed, trying to desperately contain the embarrassingly large smile on his face each time his thoughts had wandered to her.

She didn't hate him. Leilani Malfoy didn't hate him, Ron Weasley.

He honestly didn't know how that made him feel. If he felt relieved, happy, nervous or confused. Or if he felt everything at once, which he normally thinks is impossible. However, it is the closest thing to an answer as to what he's experiencing.

Perhaps that's why he couldn't get a blink of sleep. He had been up, thinking about everything. She had felt so different yesterday, almost vulnerable, human even. Throughout their years at Hogwarts, Ron had always referred her to a robot. They shared the same qualities.

Void. Completely emotionless.

But that wasn't the Leilani Malfoy he'd experienced yesterday down in the kitchens. She had been expressing her feelings to him, opening up. Well, until she realized exactly where she was and with who, before she stood up and left the kitchens without another word.

Ron hadn't bothered to follow her, knowing that she probably needed to be alone.

Something had happened in the three broomsticks. Something had happened earlier that same day when she had stormed off again. Ron just couldn't figure out what and it was driving him slightly insane.

He sighed and turned his head to check the time on his dresser, internally groaning when it was time to get out of bed. Looking up at the ceiling, he started to count down "3..2...1" and it was just then that Hermione burst through the doors, her eyes immediately finding him. He flashed her a sleepy grin "Morning, Mione"

She seemed taken aback by the familiar behavior, a surprised smile taking over her face "Good morning, Ron.'s good to see you're awake"

"Yeah" he replied as he sat up, stretching his arms over his head, letting out a groan. When he dropped his hands, he gestured with his head to a completely knocked out Harry who was sleeping face first into the bed. Ron snorted "He came in last night and fell asleep like that. Hasn't moved since"

"I can tell" Hermione addressed as she took in his clothes. The same ones he'd been wearing yesterday. Then she sighed and walked over to his bed, crouched down and flicked his forehead, making him groan "Wake up, Harry. We have a busy day of studying in the library, remember?"

Harry groaned again, and turned around. "Nooo. No more studying, Hermione or I will die"

Ron chuckled at the way Hermione rolled her eyes before grabbing onto Harry's hand tightly, and dragging him up into a sitting position. Must have been white difficult too from the way she took a bet before pulling. The raven haired boy's eyes were still closed even though he was sitting up, as if he were still fast asleep. "Get up, Harry. We've got time to lose-" reaching into her pocket, she held out a vial for him "-Here. Drink this. It will help with the hangover i imagine you're having"

"There is nothing to imagine, I am having it. And it is not fun" Harry grumbled, finally forcing his eyes open as he grabbed the vial and downed it in one go. It took a few seconds before he blinked, then straightened his back, staring up at her in shock then down at the empty vial again "I was having it. What is this, Mione. Did you brew this yourself?"

Hermione nodded "Yes, it's something I've been working on. You're the first person to try it actually"

"Well, it's brilliant"

She blushed by the praise, forcing a stern look on her face "Thank you. Now up you go!"

He groaned again as he forced himself to his feet, glaring down at her when he passed her on his way to the bathroom, before closing the door with a lock. Hermione sighed, rolling her eyes as she sat back on Harry's bed. "So dramatic sometimes"

Flowers and Oranges - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now