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"Please, Malfoy! Just consider it!"

Leilani rolled her eyes, not looking back as she walked for the common room, having the only intention of finding her dorm and throwing herself into her bed. Classes had started at eight today and ended at four- she was fucking exhausted.

That's what wandless magic did to you.

"For the last fucking time, Zabini" She bit out as she stepped through the portrait, clearly annoyed by her fellow slytherin trying to keep up with her fast steps. "I'm not doing your night patrol, because one that's not my bloody job and two; I'm not even a prefect!"

"I know, I know-" Blaise kept up with her, stumbling over his feet while she was almost sprinting for the female dorms "-but i was thinking that no one would notice as long as it's registered to the heads"

She stopped suddenly, making him trip into her. She scowled at him, crossing her arms over her chest as she raised a brow. "And how do you reckon I will do that? Just walk into the heads common room with a smile on my face and go; Hello! Blaise couldn't do his patrols tonight so he asked me to do them. Yeah, yeah I'm not a prefect but Blaise said not to worry because no one would notice!"

He paused "Well- when your putting it like that-"

Leilani scoffed "It's idiotic, Zabini. Forget it. I'm not risking fucking it up for my family any more because you can't make it to your night patrols. Why aren't you asking Pansy? Or Daphne? Ohh, I know! Perhaps, someone who's actually a prefect?" She finished with a deadpan.

He sighed and dragged a hand down his face "I've already asked them. Daph's going home for the weekend and Pansy's in detention and it's not like I can ask a prefect from another house"

"Hm, I don't know about that. Just find a Hufflepuff and put on your mean face. You know, the intimidating slytherin one. That should do it" She suggests simply, scowling when a pair of first years rushes by them.

"I'm saying please here, Malfoy" Blaise sighed, his hand going up to his hair before he dropped it, wrapping it into a tight fist. "I would do it myself but.."

Leilani eyed the anxious motion, eyes darting from his hand and back to his face. She sighed and dropped her shoulders, taking a small step forward, speaking in a softer voice than before "What's this about, Blaise?"

He looked down at their feet "Mcgonagall informed me that apparently my mum's being sent to St Mungos"

She furrowed her brows, although her eyes softened "St Mungos? Why? What happened?"

Blaise chuckled weakly, glancing up at her "She had a brawl with her cell mate. Apparently they beat each other up pretty badly until the guards heard them"

Her eyes widened slightly, brows going up in surprise and she couldn't contain the way her lip twitched. Whistling low under her breath, she nodded "Fine. I'll do your bloody night patrol- but you owe me!"

He visibly brightened and before she knew it, he was throwing himself at her, wrapping her in a tight hug "Thank you! And yes! Absolutely" He let go of her, turning around and practically running for the stairs, yelling over his shoulder "And don't forget- It starts at nine, up until midnight"

She rolled her eyes as she watched him disappear, before she sighed and headed for her own dorm. Going on night patrols was the last thing she needed, which was why she had declined the prefect offer in the first place when Mcgongall had sent her a second letter, suggesting it.

She threw it into her firepit immediately.

Being a prefect meant responsibility- and she knew she wouldn't be able to handle that. She was already a mess, barely being able to take care of her own and suddenly she would have to take care of other students as well? Fuck no.

Flowers and Oranges - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now