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Ignoring the look Ginny sent him as he minutes later too rushed out of the hall, Ron quickly made his way into the direction of the library. Something was wrong and he needed to know what it was. What those letters said and there was only one person who could possibly know and who would actually tell him.

His best friend. Harry Potter.

And so as he entered the library, not giving a fuck if he made any noise and ignoring madam Pince sharp glare at the side of his head, Ron made a beeline for the chosen one as soon as he spotted him. Harry was laying face first into the book before him as Hermione was successfully reading her own. Both of them glanced up as he slumped down on the empty chair before them, panting slightly.

Hermione inspected him with a confused glimmer in her eye "Ron?"

He swallowed and waved her off, turning to Harry "I need to ask you something and you have to be honest with me, alright?"

Harry raised a brow, sitting straighter in his chair "Uh- Yeah of course, mate. What's the matter?"

Ron looked around, rolling his eyes when he noticed that almost everyone had not so discreetly turned towards them, trying to listen in on their conversation. Waving his wand, Ron cast a muffliato around them. Turning back to his friends, he leaned in "The majority of the slytherins got letters today"

Hermione furrowed her brows "It's saturday. The majority of hogwarts gets letters toda-"

"That's not what i mean" he cut her off "They all got the same letter. They were identical everyone of them"

This time she had nothing to say, simply tilting her head in wonder and turning to glance at Harry who had gone awfully quiet. He scratched the nape of his neck, nervously before giving a relenting sigh. "Its from the ministry"

Of course it was.

Ron raised a brow in question "About..?"

"Do you two remember that meeting I went to before we returned to school?" They both nodded "Before I left I heard Shacklebolt speaking with someone about re-sentences. More specifically, about having some slytherins re-sentences"

Ron froze.

Hermione's eyes widened "Harry, you couldn't possibly be saying that...that the slytherins are being re-sentenced?"

"Well, i'm not a hundred percent certain-" he began, pushing his glasses higher up his nose with his knuckles before Harry glanced at Ron "But if what you're saying is true and that all slytherins got identical letters then...then it may be a possibility"

That's just bloody fantastic. Malfoy goes to Azkaban for Merlin knows what and he's stuck here having to fucking graduate. Speak of a better excuse for skipping school. Ron blinked out of his former frozen state "Well not all slytherins, just the most of them got the letter. But I reckon that is the most realistic outcome. The ministry hates everyone in slytherin- I mean, everyone does. Especially after the war"

"But how is that fair?" Hermione asked with a furrow of her brows, looking up at them "Don't get me wrong, I'm not particularly fond of some people from that specific house either. But...they already got their sentence, didn't they? Most of them are almost done with house arrest for god's sake and it would be cruel to have made them go through all of that and then send them to azkaban instead"

Harry shrugged "It's not my problem anymore. The only reason I agreed to come back was to finally be able to study as a normal student. Not get tangled up in others fights again. Already did that, didn't i?"

Both of them looked at him as he glanced back down at his book, ignoring their gazes. Hermione sighed and put a comforting hand on his shoulder, smiling softly when he glanced up at her "You deserve that, Harry. It's alright"

Flowers and Oranges - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now