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Ron stood leaning against the cold stone wall as they all waited outside the DADA classroom for professor Gillies to show up. Hermione kept muttering about how odd it was that the defense professor was late and Ron couldn't help but agree. He was never late. If anything, he was always early.

He felt himself disconnected to his surroundings as he watched her from the other side with a furrow to his brows. Yesterday had been...weird. He understood what Nott meant when he said that she wasn't fine. She had felt emptier than usual yesterday, compared to her usual fire.

Ron's just relieved that she told him the reason. Her father is being sentenced to his death and even though he naturally feels nothing receiving that information, he knows how much it hurts her.

And that thought alone sends unpleasant and painful sparks down his spine.

"Honestly, where is he?" Hermione grumbled from beside him, sharing a glance with Harry who shrugged in response "It's been fifteen minutes. What if he fell down the stairs on his way down here?"

Harry snorted "That's unlikely. The man has a better sense of balance than me and that says a lot"

Ron matched Hermione's raised brow "You sure about that, mate?"

"Shove off" He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

Just at that minute Ginny came towards them with a letter in her hand. She winked once she passed Harry and Ron fought off an eye roll, disgusted by whatever it was that he just saw. His little sister stopped in front of him, waving the letter in his face with a determined look on her face. "Did you plan on responding to mum within the century, Ron? It's a simple yes or no question!"

Oh. That letter.

Ron scratched his neck, smiling sheepishly "I may have forgotten?"

"Really?" Ginny was not buying it "Well you better write her back as soon as possible or i'm sending a bat-bogey hex your way when you least expect it. You understand, big brother?"

Ron nodded, fighting off a scoff at her attitude and sending her an assuring smile before she left to join Neville a few feet away. Hermione turned towards him with a raised brow and crossed arms "Letter? Since when are you ignoring your mother?"

"Since never, Mione" He groaned "I simply just forgot to respond. Besides...i haven't really decided yet"

"Decided what?" Harry asked

"If i'm returning for christmas"

"You're not?" Hermione sounded surprised and quite frankly, Ron was surprised himself that he was even pondering it over. He always went home for christmas.

He shrugged, his eyes quickly flashing towards Leilani, catching her scowl as her brother poked her arm "As i said, i haven't decided yet"

"Well, whatever you decide-" Harry began "i'm sure your mother will understand"

"Yeah I hope so," He muttered, feeling himself zoning out. It wasn't until the doors to the classroom opened that he blinked into reality once again. As the students around them began filling in, he couldn't help but search for Professor Gillies with furrowed brows. He was nowhere to be seen.

Where could he be?

He sat himself down near the front, Harry heaving himself down next to him while Hermione went and sat down next to Ginny. Everyone kept looking around the classroom then catching each other's gaze, wondering the same thing- what was going on?

Then they all heard it. Everyone turned around at the sound of nearing footsteps which followed by a figure walking through the door, holding a black folder in his hand. The man seemed to be in his late forties, quite short if Ron could say so himself, wearing glasses and as he walked he held himself up with a funny amount of self confidence.

Flowers and Oranges - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now