chapter 2

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(Two months earlier) 


I could only stare off at the forest before me, lost in thought. Many people were waiting around outside of the healers den intrigued and concerned.

Mutters of sickness and disease were passed around between many of them as they all awaited for the healer to come forth with news on the human inside. 

Everyone was fearful that a plague might be brought upon us, that the human was contagious and would end up infecting others. I grit my teeth at the mere idea. They are simply blaming the human because it's the easiest excuse they could come up with.

My gaze moved to Elazar who sat beside me close to the healers dwelling with his head in his hands. He was far more anxious than the rest of them, far more concerned, all this talk of sickness and fear was only making his anxiety worse. 

After all, it was his mate there. It was His mate who had been suffering from a strange unknown illness for the past few weeks. Shortly after THAT day she has fallen ill, often emptying her stomach and having severe pains as well.

The idea that this was a human illness that she had obtained was possible but there was also a good chance that she has simply been affected by something from us. Tarkov warned me once that a simple fever or bug bite for us could prove deadly for a human.

There were so many possibilities as to what was happening so many variables that it was hard to keep oneself calm in this situation. 

There was a good chance this sickness that kora had might only affect humans and although that would be ideal for the rest of the tribe, it caused a select few of us the most worry. If Kora got sick what would happen to Alita? She was frail enough as she was… perhaps it's a good thing she's not here with us now. I do not think I could handle the stress.

A few words of the possible demise of the human female were passed around the crowd and I noticed Elazars form tense up even further. All this talk was making his inner turmoil worse.

Growling I pushed myself off the wall I was leaning against and snarled at the ones currently engaging in such talk. “Enough of that! If you wish to run your mouths and continue to stir up nonsense then do it elsewhere!” 

The group quickly shut up and backed away as I snarled in their direction with my tail flicking around wildly behind me.

A hand on my shoulder, caused me to stop and look over. My gaze was met with tarkov’s form as he eyed me sternly before Facing the crowd. “Azriel is right, we must not continue to jump to conclusions as to what is happening when we have no information. The spread of false ideas will only cause panic among us.” 

The crowd quickly quieted down and a few scattered as we stood there.

Looking back to Elazar, he lifted his head. Stepping over I offered my hand and he hesitantly took it, standing to his feet once more. 

“I give you my thanks-” he spoke.

“You would have done the same had it been my mate in there.” I admitted and Elazar was silent for a moment before nodding in agreement. 

“Pay no mind to the words of others, I am sure your mate will be fine, for now we must be patient and await the healer's judgment.” Tarkov spoke up and we all glanced towards the Den's opening. 

“I truly hope you are right.” Elazar lowered his head. 

Feeling worried for my friend I grabbed his shoulder in an attempt to pull him from his dark thoughts. “He is right. Kora shall return to you as she was, do not friet so much, it is unhealthy.”

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