chapter 16

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"Alita... it's time to wake." Azriel's voice called out, as a warm hand rubbed up and down my arm.

groaning, I opened my eyes to find Azriel sitting beside me on the bed. his hand moved up to cup my cheek as I groggily turned onto my back and rubbed my eyes. "how do you feel?" his hand moved to my forehead to check my temp and I blinked a few times, confused...

"I'm okay? I've been fine since yesterday. I thought you were leaving today?" he smiled before moving his hand down to my belly.

"We will be leaving soon, I just wished to check on your condition first before I went."

I placed my hand over his and sat upright. "I'm fine Az, I'm not sick anymore, I've actually felt great these past two days." I stated while stretching.

Before I knew It I was being pulled into his lap and Azriel had his lip pressed against my own. He caught me a bit off guard but I was quick to melt into it. We kissed for a long moment before pulling away and pressing our foreheads against one another.

He pecked a kiss against my cheek then lightly trailed his lips down to my neck. "I will be back as soon as I can." he breathed against my skin.

"I know you will, and we–" I grabbed his hand, putting it over my stomach. "will be waiting for you."

hiding his face in the crook of my neck I could tell just how anxious he was. We hadn't been apart very much since I came back and now he was going to be gone for nearly two whole weeks.

"we'll be fine Az, you said you'll be back before the weather changes and we still have plenty of time before the baby comes. I've got the boys, Tarkov, and even Nezu here to help me if anything happens."

"I can't help but worry..." he sighed, resting his head on my shoulder.

smiling I pecked a kiss upon Azriels cheeks and reached back to rub his head. He closed his eyes and purred in contentment while holding me. "I'll be back soon," he mumbled more to himself than to me.

reluctantly Azriel let go, allowing us both to stand on our feet. As I looked up at him he leaned in to nuzzle the side of my head one last time before pulling away and heading out of the cave. lying back in our bed i closed my eyes wondering what i would do while Azriel was gone...


"Thank you for taking me out to scavenge for ingredients Tarkov, as much as i adore the boys and like having them around i think i needed a small break from them..." i chuckled.

"You need only ask, Nanku and Xeith are still young and have much energy, no one would blame you for needing a break from them from time to time. Trust me you are not the only one who finds them to be a bit much to handle," he admitted with a shake of his head.

Smiling we continued on with Nezu on one side of me and tarkov on the other. As we went about i occasionally stopped to harvest any herbs and fruits we came across that i knew were safe, thanks to Tarkovs teachings when i first came to the tribe.

Tarkov was one of the only few Xandisians who seemed to accept my presence within the tribe when Azriel first brought me here. He was patient and kind despite knowing so little about me, i knew it was partially because he was Azriels companion, but i also felt there was something more to it... thanks to him teaching me alongside Azriel i was able to adjust to life among their kind much easier.

Looking over at the older man beside me i tried to think about why he was so caring and accepting of me. Most of the elders of the village were quite reluctant and did not like me when i first arrived, Az always said it was because they clung to the old ways and did not care for newcomers, but then why was he so calm about it?

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