chapter 4

585 47 4

(1 week after the announcement of koras pregnancy)


Laughing and giggling filled my ears as I stepped through the treeline and back into the village. Various tribemates were out dancing around with a large bonfire lighting up the area. 

I watched as a couple of kits ran past me, towards the bonfire where one of the older Members of our tribe was preparing to entertain all of the younglings, with various small pouches filled with numerous substances tied to her hip. 

I watched on as she grabbed handfuls of the stuff and started prancing around the fire throwing all kinds of powders and materials into the flames causing dramatic changes in the colors of the fire.

The younglings giggled and watched in awe As the flames swirled And bloomed into hues of blue, green, pink, white, and purple with each dash of woman's mysterious ‘magic’ powders. 

The Sight reminded me of the days past when I was their age. The older tribe members often did such tricks to entertain me and the other younglings during celebrations like this. For a long time we believed that she truly was casting some kind of magic upon the fire to make it change, growing older I realized it was simply due to the various Substances they were burning. Although that hasn't made it any less entertaining to watch.

“Azriel! You've returned!” A familiar voice called out and I looked over to see Tarkov approaching with two others. “You found venkshal?” 

As they drew closer I removed the dead deer I had been carrying, over my shoulder. “it would hardly be a feast without venison brother.” 

Tarkov nodded in agreement as he crouched down and inspected the kill. “The meat shall be well appreciated by the tribbutthe fur is also good quality, do you wish to add this pelt to your own den?” Tarkov asked questionably.

I merely glanced over towards where Elazar and his mate sat drinking with others in celebration of the new life. “No, just give it to them, Elazar will need new pelts for his family.  I will hunt for pelts another time. Alita prefers the vo’zai furs More anyways, and they are not in season.”

Tarkov was silent as the other two who came with him took my kill to skin it and distribute the meat.

“make Sure Elazar's mate gets first pick off the kill, she will need as much nutrition As possible” the others acknowledged the order and I went over to a nearby water basin to wash the blood From my hands. 

as I cleaned off I could sense tarkov’s Lingering gaze. “this is a night of celebration should we not focus on such?” I questioned, turning back towards him, removing the bow and quiver on my back.

Tarkov Sighed and followed me as I set my things aside and watched the fire-light performance the younglings were enjoying. 

“I suppose we should.” Was his only response as we both sat there watching the younglings laugh and play. “Soon enough we will have new blood joining us. Our tribe is growing, not only with that of newborn kits but others– outsiders. News of what happened with the human camp and the draven has spread quite far.”

“I suppose not all of those who have heard are happy about the outcomes Of what took place…” I mused.

“Netaris has been quiet about the situation  but once they hear of this…” Tarkov trailed off. 

I was silent. The netaris would not be the only ones to get upset over the new life being brought into this world. They were already upset by Alita’s mere presence within the tribe had riled them up before. Our attack on the human camp and the slaying of a draven has deterred them for now, but Once they hear of a human-xandisian kit? Their tempers will not be so easily quelled.

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