chapter 8

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Staring off into the forest after hours of waiting I couldn't help but feel  like I needed to go out and find Azriel to bring him back. but was it really my place to do so? I've only some semblance of the pain he must be enduring After losing his mate. 

My experience is different from his own in many ways but I can't help but feel that I should be out there helping him. He has managed to stay hopeful for many nights and days but during that time I've seen it in his eyes. He's losing it.

He had bonded with his mate, mated with her and they were happy. his last memories of her were not so grand. That image of her lying there choking on her own blood right before her mate who could do nothing to help. That scene hit me hard. For azriel I'm sure it hit him even harder. 

We could do nothing but stand off to the side as she lay dying in his arms only to be taken away by unfamiliar humans. 

At that moment I couldn't bear the thought of something similar happening to kora. I refused to let her go the rest of the night afraid that She may be hurt or taken from me as well.

We owed Azriel and his mate for all they had done. Alita had convinced the warrior to give us sanctuary and he did so with little hesitation. He did not look at us with disdain or disgust like so many others had. He was understanding as he was In a similar situation.

They gave us a safe place to call home, one where we were accepted and free to do as we pleased. Alita and Kora grew close to one another practically becoming sisters where me and Azriel became brothers in arms. We both understood what the females needed and what it would take to keep them safe.

It's one of the many reasons I've felt nothing but worry for him since that night. I understand his pain more than anyone else within the tribe. I feel responsible for helping him through it, if not for his or the tribe's sake then for Alita.

Sighing I ran my hand over my face. “can't sleep?” a sweet voice spoke up from behind. Turning my head back my heart swelled at the sight of kora smiling at me with a blanket over her shoulders and a rounded belly. 

She sat beside me on the fallen tree log and my tail instinctively coiled around her. I grabbed her hand and nuzzled her forehead purring as her presence alone helped to wash away some of my worries.

“It is hard to sleep when worry plagues me.”

Her smile fell as she looked towards the forest where Azriel had ran off. “Is he hunting again?”

I looked out to the trees as the wind passed through them and the moons high above shined down upon the forest. “No, right now he is mourning.”

“shouldn't someone go after him? Make sure he doesn't hurt himself?” kora questioned.

“Azriel hurting. Far worse than I ever did when I lost Ratha. There is no telling what has happened to his mate or if she even still breathes. He is feeling the pain of lost love and uncertainty. He has struggled to keep up his front of being fine and being hopeful for this long but it's wearing him down.  As the tribe's head warrior he is burdened with protecting the people here but that is a hard task to do when one's mind is clouded with fear and anguish.”

Kora stayed quiet listening to me as I mused over the situation.

“As his brother I feel I am the only one who knows his pain even if it's not to the full extent. I am the only one who can relate to him in the ways of having a mate who is human. We confided in eachother when it came to your wellbeings, We worked together to make you both comfortable and safe. Even after he lost her he continues to help me care for you on the sidelines. 

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