chapter 9

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Everything feels so surreal. 

Just moments ago I had felt so helpless, so hopeless. The idea of seeing her again was nothing more than a faraway dream that I couldn't even imagine coming true.

I had tried so hard to stay hopeful, believing she would come back to xanadis, come back to me, but as the night's and days went and three moon cycles passed I had started to accept the idea she may never return. Just as they all said.

Every time they said pr even hinted at the idea she wasn't coming back, I didn't accept it. I could accept it because without her– without my mate…I'd have nothing. 

My very existence would be empty, fruitless, painful. She was my soul, my everything and now she's back.

We were both silent on our way back to my village, I held her close as I walked unwilling to let her go. So many thoughts coursed through my mind so many conflicting emotions. I was still having a hard time coming to terms with the fact she was here, after three long months.

Not only that bus, she isn't alone. When she confirmed that she was indeed Carrying, my senses Went haywire. Possivness, affection, confusion, worry. All these emotions took reign over Me. 

So far I've successfully pushed all these feelings aside to try and be present in the moment but it was hard. my mind was still struggling to accept the fact she was indeed Carrying my kit. Our kit. And I feared what would happen once my Body and instincts realized it especially after everything that has happened.

I've seen grown, aged and wide males turn nearly feral when theirselves came to realize their mates carried a kit, sometimes a male's personality hardly changes when it comes to finding out their mate is carrying, beside becoming a little more protective they are still able to keep focused and control themselves. But other times the males lose all sense of control, driven by pure instinct there's been a number of accounts of matting having to be separated to ensure the mother and tribe's wellbeing.

 With how out of control my emotions and feelings were I wasn't looking forward to what may happen to me. 

A gentle stroke of fingertips on my chin drew me out of such thoughts and I looked down to see beautiful cerulean eyes staring back at me.

Like a light in the dark all thoughts and worry faded from my mind as I gazed upon her beautiful pale face. Closing My eyes I nuzzled into her touch, cherishing The simple feel of her hands upon my skin. It was as if she was touching my very soul.

When she finally pulled her hand away to rest her palm across my chest and lay her head on my shoulder, I opened my eyes once more and looked her over. She looked…tired.

She had Dark circles under her eyes, she looked skinny as well, too skinny. Her muscles were diminished and she looked as though she could be knocked down by a simple breeze. Her eyes seemed darker and didn't sparkle as they used to. And she felt so limp in my arms like she was unable to hold herself up.

I couldn't imagine what she might have gone through in her absence to have caused such changes within her and I feared that there were other issues that she may have, beneath the surface.

As we came into the clearing of the village we were immediately greeted by familiar faces. Elazar And his mate. They looked at us in shock and awe as Alita raised her head From my shoulder to face them. 

Sme smiled and raised her hand in a wave as I gently set her back on her feet. As much as I wanted to continue holding her in my arms, as much as I needed to take her away and have some peace and silence with her away from all the others, I knew she needed this more. She needed to see her friends once again.

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