chapter 13

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Setting down the basket filled with different cloths and furs I huffed and stood up stretching my arms above my head. Feeling the sun's light Shine down on me, warming my body made me smile.

Looking around at the river and forest before me I couldn't help but stand there and admire its beauty. The way beams of light broke through the treetops illuminates the lush vibrant flora. The sound of the tree dwellers high above chirped and communicated With one another endlessly. The way the sunlight danced and reflected off the surface of the river and the sound of trickling water. Even the smell, all of it was just so peaceful. 

The simulation rooms could never compare to the real thing. They could never replicate the smell of the stream, or feeling of sunlight on your skin.

It often makes me wonder how I lived so long without such experiences. Before coming to xanadis, the simulations excited me, they had all my life upon the ship. But now? Now they felt mundane.

I was startled out of my thoughts as a loud whine behind me sounded and I was suddenly nudged from behind.

Giggling I turned around and pet nezu’s head much to his joy. He cooed loudly and shook out his feathers nudging me for more attention. “I'm petting you! I'm petting you!” I laughed as he nearly pushed me over.

“Nezu!” Azriel walked up beside us, placing his hand atop the dragon's head to gently push him back. “Enough of that.” he scolded. Nezu in turn huffed and turned away to go find a place to lay down.

“Az don't be so mean to him, he just wants some attention!” 

Azriel scoffed and grabbed the basket I had carried along with the three he had bought and moved closer to the stream. “He gets plenty of attention, yet he still acts like an overly affectionate pup.”  He started dumping the baskets full of cloth and furs into the water.

I watched him curiously and glanced back at nezu who managed to find himself a spot to curl up in and sleep. He had been doing that alot lately and it was starting to worry me. “hey az should we be worried?” I asked, still watching nezu.

He lifted his head and looked from me to Nezu before shaking his head. “He is fine, you need not worry.”

“But he's been sleeping alot lately, way more than normally, you don't think him being tired all the time might mean something is wrong?” 

Standing up Azriel turned towards me and held out his hand. “come.”

Confused, I stepped over to him as he stood by the river and took my hands. “sit.” He held my hands and helped me sit on a large stone on the bank of the water. Crouching down beside me he then started removing my clothes. “Az? What’re you doing?”

“Hold still.” He spoke. After removing my shirt, pants and even my shoes he tossed them into the water along with the other stuff, to be cleaned. 

I gave him a questioning look as I sat there in nothing more than my undergarments. “Now touch the water, tell me what you feel.” He urged.

Hesitantly I dipped my toes into the shallow water and immediately recoiled. “It's freezing cold!”

He then nodded. “The water is always the first sign of the cold seasons approach. The air has grown colder as well although not nearly as much, slowly it will get to the point where you shall be able to see your own breath. And the water will become frozen in place.

“okay? What does that have to do with Nezu?” I questioned.

“When the cold comes it becomes harder to hunt. Most prey goes into hiding or moves to warmer places. Bigger predators have a harder time finding food. Have you noticed how much he has been eating? Or how his feathers have become thicker?” Azriel asked.

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