Meeting Rebekah

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Gin's POV

It's the day after we arrived in Chicago. Amira and I were asleep before they got back. I held her close like I've done every night since we were taken by Klaus. We woke up and go to the kitchen, so that I could make us breakfast to see a blonde haired woman wearing my clothes. "Let me guess, Rebekah?" I ask as Amira clings to my side.

"Ah good you have meet" Klaus say as he appears with Stefan. "I hope you don't mind me loaning some of your clothes to my sister love. Her clothes were a bit out of date" he state.

"It's fine" I state. "Welcome to the 21st century" I tell her. "Amira, what do you want for breakfast?" I ask.

"Toast" she says. I nod and we head over to the counter.

"So how are you here with my brother?" Rebekah asks.

"He kidnapped us, threatened our lives. So we can't leave" I state. As I hand Amira her toast and she goes to eat it at the counter.

"What could you have to offer him?" she asks curious.

"Why information dear sister" Klaus tells her. "You see Ginevra's daughter is a werewolf, has turned since birth. So Ginevra is really connected in the werewolf community. Once I figure out how to sire hybrids, she will lead me to packs" he explains.

"How could a child have killed someone at birth?" Rebekah asks.

"I died during child birth, I was legally dead for a short time. Before the doctors brought me back" I state. "It's Amira's father who has the gene" I add.

"Though you wouldn't know it, you should of seen her fight for Amira the night I broke my curse. She died for her, now that is how a mother should act" Klaus tells her.

"You died?" Rebekah asks.

"Yep, had a special ring that protects humans from supernatural death. It brought me back, but being dead was horrible. I never want to go through it again, so I returned the ring to the previous owner. I've died twice for my daughter, and I'll do it again" I state looking her in the eyes.

"I think you and I are going to be good friends" she says with a smile.

"So what's on the agenda today?" I ask Klaus.

"Find my sister's necklace" he states.

"Which has been missing for ninety years. Besides Gloria is on it" Stefan states. "We should take the girls on a shopping trip. Amira and Gin have had the same clothes for nearly a week and Rebekah needs her own clothes. As well as to be introduced to this century" he explains.

"I think that's a fabulous idea" Rebekah states.

"Mummy, can we go?" Amira asks me.

"Of course we can" I tell her.

"Fine" Klaus relents. We all got ready to go out. Then went to the nearest mall. Amira and I finished our shopping quickly. But Rebekah is taking longer, trying to find her style for this century. Amira is hugging her new plush toy, that looks like Mason's wolf. As we sit on a lounge together.

Klaus and Stefan are both drinking champagne while Rebekah tries on clothes. Both on a couch each. I'm braiding Amira's hair as we wait for Rebekah to come out. "There has to be more to this dress" she complains.

"There's not" Klaus tells her. Rebekah gets out of the fitting room. She is wearing a short, black dress. To short for my liking, I wouldn't wear it. Though it looks good on her.

"So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then. You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers" Rebekah states.

"What's a prostitute?" Amira asks confused.

"I'll tell you when you're older" I tell her.

"And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident" Rebekah complains. As I finish braiding Amira's hair.

"It's dance music" Stefan tells her.

"People dance to this?" she asks.

"Yep" I say.

"Are we done?" Klaus asks.

"And why are you so grumpy?" Rebekah asks him.

"I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying, one thing. Your necklace. And you lost it" he tells her annoyed.

"I didn't lose it. It's just been missing for 90 years" she corrects him. "So what do you think?" she asks Stefan.

"I like it" he lies and Amira giggles. As Rebekah is not satisfied. "What? I said I like it" he states.

"I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan" she tells him. "Even the child knew it" she adds nodding at Amira. Before heading back to the changing room to change again.

"Nice one. Good work" Klaus tells Stefan as he gets a refill.

"You're the one that pulled the dagger out of her" Stefan tells him.

"I heard that!" Rebekah says from the changing room.

"All right. I'm going to get some fresh air" Stefan states. He gets up and leaves the shop. Why does he get freedom to go where he pleases?

(Time skip)

We're back at Gloria's bar. Stefan has rejoined us. Using Rebekah, Gloria was able to get an image of the necklace's location. Apparently it's with a girl and her friends. By the look on Stefan's face, he knows who has it and I have a feeling I won't like the answer. Only I noticed his look though.

Gloria said she needed privacy to find out more. Stefan lured Rebekah and Klaus away to go find people to kill. Klaus sent Amira and I back to the hotel. Which I am grateful for. Amira watched cartoons, while I try to think of a plan to get us home and away from Klaus.

I decide to call the Gilbert house. As Klaus hadn't compelled me not too. No one answers. "Jeremy, Elena it's your aunt Gin. I just want you both to know Amira and I are alive and well. I am trying to get us back home. But Klaus won't let us go easily. I want you both to take care of each other and stay safe. Don't try calling me, I'll try to call again soon. We love you both and tell Tyler Amira says hi" I state. Before hanging up.

"Mummy, will we ever see cousins again?" Amira asks from the door way. She is hugging her new plush toy again. I hold my arms out to her and she steps into them. I hug her close stroking her hair.

"I promise you Amira, no matter what happens. We will see your cousins again" I assure her. "How about we bake some cookies?" I suggest. She agrees.

We had just finished baking when Klaus appears. "I need you both to pack up and meet us at the warehouse. We're leaving" he tells us.

"Something wrong Klaus?" I ask.

"Gloria's gone, cleared out. Pack" he tells me. I pack our things and the others. We then go to the warehouse. We arrive to see Klaus snap Stefan's neck. Amira squeals and hides behind me as I grab a crowbar.

"What the hell is going on?" I demand.

"Stefan is keeping secrets, we're returning to Mystic Falls" Klaus tells me. "Would you know his secret?" he asks.

"No" I say and he disappears. "Duck" I tell Amira and swing the crowbar. I get Klaus across the face before he can touch my daughter. "You stay the hell away from her!" I snap. "I don't know Stefan's secret" I state.

"Leave them alone Nik" Rebekah says. She approaches me slowly. "We won't touch Amira or you. We just what to find out what Stefan is hiding and I am sure you want to return home. It's a win win for all of us. Please?" she asks holding her hand out for the crow bar.

"You promise, no harm will come to my daughter?" I ask her.

"I give you my word" she states.

"That doesn't mean anything until you live up to it" I tell her. But hand her the crowbar. Holding Amira close, I walked her to the car. We get in and so do the other two. We begin the journey back to Mystic Falls.


Picture above of Rebekah.

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