3. the fun

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"What are we waiting for?" Garcia squeals, dragging me with her. We rush out of her office, racing for the elevators giggling hysterically. I glance into the bullpen as Garcia presses the button, calling the elevator. I see Emily already looking over at us, and I wave giddily at her, saying bye. She smiles softly at me, raising her hand to wave back as Garcia pulls me into the elevator. "Okay, so we need to stop at a lingerie shop, obviously," Garcia gushes. I smile at her, "Obviously," I agree.

"Her favorite colors are red and black, but what gets her going is maroon," Garcia tells me. "How do you know all of this?" I question. "Honey, Emily and I go way back, girl's nights were wild. She would positively die if she knew I remembered all of this," she laughs. I laugh with her. Emily doesn't come to girl's nights anymore. She's always too caught up in paperwork to come, or so she claims. When she has come in the past, she rarely drinks, opting to look over JJ, Garcia and me instead, ensuring we get home okay.

We climb into Garcia's car, and she blasts music as we make our way to the shopping center. We arrive, grabbing coffee first thing. I shrug myself back into Emily's favorite jacket, wrapping it tightly around me, Garcia bouncing next to me in a very fluffy, very pink, totally not winter coat. "Are you not cold?" I ask Garcia. "Nope! All this faux fur is actually really warm," she rubs her arms, in love with the feeling. "You're like a little plushie," I tease. "Exactly why I chose this one today," she says proudly. I can't help but laugh.

Garcia pays for the coffees, which I appreciate. She twirls the card in her hands, saying, "If Emily is paying, we may as well do it right." I stop, staring at the card. Sure enough, Emily Prentiss is stamped into the card's smooth surface. "Where did you get that?" I say, panicking. Garcia grins at me. "She gave me an extra card for team emergencies. This seems like an emergency, yeah?" She wiggles her eyebrows again. I grin. "Hell yes," I exclaim.

We grab our coffees and make our way down the street, staring into the different shops. We spot a good store, and exchange a glance. "Operation Y/n Prentiss here we go!" Garcia crows. I laugh at her as we enter the shop. The bell dings as we open the door, causing the owner to look up. "Well hello, ladies," the man says warmly, taking us in. "Hi!" Garcia gushes, "We are here for this fine woman here, she has a date at the BDSM club tonight." I jab her in the side, and she shrugs me off, smiling brightly at the owner.

He appraises me, then claps his hands together. "I have just the things you are looking for here," he says brightly, "Are we trying to impress a lucky guy tonight? Or maybe woman?" He grins widely when I stutter, "Her name is Emily." "Ooh child, you came into the right store!" He bounces just as excitedly as Garcia, and I am instantly put at ease as the two of them squeal and race off, finding different things for me to try on.

I grin as they hold up different items, then glance over at me. Garcia frowns as Charlie, the owner, holds up a green corset. "No, no, Emily loves reds, or black!" Garcia holds up a black lace bodysuit that wouldn't conceal anything. I laugh. "Penelope, heel," I say, finally joining the two of them. "I like the green, Charlie," I smile at him. He grins at Penelope. "See, Miss Thang knows what's up," he teases her.

He hands it to me, shooing me into the fitting rooms. "We'll grab more things for you, sweetheart," he calls after me. I quickly shred my clothes, gently laying Emily's, my, jacket onto the bench. I shimmy myself into the corset. It's beautiful, but I would definitely appreciate something more in Emily's color range.

"I found it in black!" Garcia rips open the curtain. "Garcia!" I gasp, in shock at her boldness. "Oh, you look stunning in that!"she gushes, jaw practically on the floor, "Here, I found you a few different things." She shoves an enormous pile of clothes into my arms. "Pen, I don't think we have time for this many outfits," I start. "Tsk, start with this one," she waves me away and pulls the curtain shut behind her, grabbing a piece from the middle of the pile.

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