24. the office⚠️

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A/n: You thought I'd leave you guys hanging?? You've been so patient with me and my writer's block... so here's a gift:)
smut warning: I mean... it's desk sex... still, go touch grass, my friends. Also... aftercare? Emily's so sweet for that🥺

Emily's lips quirk into a little smile. "Color?" she purrs. It's unnecessary, but I appreciate the sentiment, since she's the one with all of the control. "So fucking green," I breathe. At my words, she grins, and tugs at my hair, pulling me up slightly to kiss me again. As soon as her lips touch mine, her fingers slide into me, and I gasp out a breath against her lips, unable to contain my moan. She swallows it down, her lips pushing against mine to keep me silent. Or, as silent as she can, as her fingers pump hard and deep into me.

I can't help but move in time with her fingers, matching her rhythm with my hips as best I can. I scrabble at her desk, trying to find something, anything, to grab onto. I end up swiping half her files onto the floor, but at the sound of the papers hitting the ground, she just kisses me harder, claiming my lips and my pussy as she takes me right there on her goddamn desk.

Just her, and me, lost in this moment. Her, taking absolutely everything from me, every whimper and moan, every panted breath, every arch of my back and shift of my hips. Me, feeling every motion of her fingers, the weight of her body pressing me into her desk, hearing her soft little breaths and sounds of satisfaction every time she gets my back to lift from her desk, seeing her eyes, oh my god, her gorgeous, intense, intimidating eyes, darkened and blown, just for me.

Her head dips, her lips falling away from my mouth, to bury her teeth into my neck. This was a mistake on her part, because the mewl I let out at her bite carries through her office. She doesn't care, nor does she stop. She just continues on, her teeth dragging across my skin, fingers pushing even more. I can't even match her movements anymore, my body so tightly pinned down against her desk as she leans over me, that all I can do is whimper and make sounds of pleasure, my body trembling now.

She shifts, just a little, and that tiny adjustment is like fire, lighting up my entire body, from the tips of my toes up through the middle of my stomach. I let out a whimper that turns into a moan as my body tightens underneath her in a wave of pleasure. My hands move, wrapping my arms around her, holding on to her, trying to stay grounded as she sends me higher and higher. A little breathy noise comes from her throat as she feels me touch her, but she doesn't stop.

How could she?  We're in it this deep... She's in me this deep, pushing me, driving me even further, my body completely aflame and under her control. She has me right where she wants me- trembling, tightening, teetering right on that edge. Suddenly her fingers curl within me, and with that single action, I'm arching up into her, crying out for her as I shatter around her. 

From the single spot her fingers are pressing against, the flames of pleasure lick through every part of my being. Every fiber of my body just gone, up in an inferno. I can't stop the shuddering, or the way I pull my knees up, my muscles so fucking tight as I try and ride the waves of ecstasy out. I faintly hear her purring in her own pleasure, so pleased with herself.

And I'll be damned, she doesn't stop. Even as I'm crying out, panting, gasping, nails digging into her jacket, pressing up into her, she keeps her movements steady. It drives me over again, leaving me whimpering as I have to let her take another wave of pleasure out of me. I'm fighting for my life now, trying to get my breathing back, trying to get my body to stop its trembling, but Emily has other plans for me.

She continues pumping into me, still, her fingers curling up perfectly every single time.  In and out, in... and out. Steady movements, no sign of slowing down, or even picking up the pace. The whole room is spinning now, and I can't even think. I force my eyes open when I feel her pushing back against my grip around her.

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