Dandelion Rice Omelet

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Zelda yawns as she looks through her texts and the report of shrines compiled by the Sheikah. The ones that are easily found has been found but it is not enough. It's not even 120. That means that there are a few hidden away from sight. But will she even have the time to go seeking?

She blinks when Shuichi, the Court Poet, or rather the master of lore in Hyrule, sits across from her. He has a complicated look on his and Zelda has a sinking feeling to just what he will ask of her. She braces herself...

Shuichi greets her with his charming smile, "Greetings, Your Royal Highness. May the light of Hylia shine on you,"

A very formal greeting.

Zelda returns it with a formal smile, "Greetings, Court Poet Shuichi. May Hylia bless you on this fine day. How can I help you?"

Shuichi's smile dims a little as his eyes rolls around, looking for a certain shadow. Ever since Link appears formally at the ball, he has been causing waves of rumors around the castle and the still visiting nobles. Considering the weather and since this is a time of gathering for Hyrule, many are curious to see if he really is a Hero or simply a much too lucky an actor. One thing for sure, the ladies enjoy watching him as he trails after Zelda. Despite his smaller physique than most Knights, he has a face that somehow strikes their taste.

Perhaps looking pleasant to everyone makes it easier for him to move around as Hylian?

Shuichi clears his throat, "Princess...forgive me if I overstep my boundaries with you by considering myself as one of your closest companion," He coughs, "Of course, I would never be as arrogant as to think that I am as close to you as Lady Impa or the Champions! However...Princess Zelda...about what you said..." He frowns, "Did the Hero force himself on you?"

Zelda freezes mid turning a page. She looks at Shuichi with wide eyes, "...pardon?"

Shuichi coughs, "I-I mean! What I mean to say is...if he does then...then it isn't your fault and that I want you to know that I am on your side," He reaches for her hand, "You can trust me,"

Zelda feels sick. Was that really what has been going on around the castle? She cannot help but pulls her hand out of his grasp with a slight shudder quaking her frame. She gulps, "What makes you say that?"

Shuichi frowns at the lost of her touch, "W-well...it is curious at how easily he enters the castle and become a Marshal as well as the Archduke. Most would think that the Margrave of Akkala will be replacing Marshal Collin. However...I heard that he simply appears beside you one day and not even the King does anything. If he is threatening you with...abuse, then..."

Zelda stands up, "Apologies, Court Poet, but I refuse to speak of this matter anymore,"

Shuichi grabs her elbow before she could leave, "Princess! Please! If you need help, I am here!"

She pulls her arm out of his hand with a growl, her verdant gaze glowing gold in the pupils as she levels a glare on him, "How dare you? How dare you speak of things you have no knowledge of? Is that how lowly you see me? How helpless I am? Am I truly that weak in your eyes that I would let any man push me around for their agenda? I may not have all my power awake, but that does not mean I am powerless before a man!" She draws in a deep breathe before her voice could go any higher and attract more attention, "Court Poet. I understand your concern but I...am not doing anything that I do not wish for," Once upon a time, maybe, but now, "Also, show more respect and faith towards Link. Hyrule will not stand today without him," With that, she gives him a sharp nod, "Excuse me,"

With that, she furiously make her way out of the library. She ignores the nearby noble girls pretending to read, recognizing them as Shuichi's hanger on. No. She needs...Link. She pauses at before the next corridor, thinking where he went to that morning. He had been irritated by the Royal Guards and had demanded a day to retrain them from Rhoam. Understandably, most Royal Guards are just Knights due to being either the second or third son of a noble so would not inherit the title or the land from their parents. Despite their training, they are far from any actual danger or action. Basically, they are decorative.

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