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Revali is beaten. He sighs as he glares in the direction of Cherry. Ever since Cherry starts living with him, he has such a strange way of training Revali. For one, he refused to let the Rito fly even though that is his greatest ability. When Revali argued, Cherry just asks him if he will fly in bad weather. Obviously, he would not. However, that doesn't mean he need to be grounded like a bird with clipped wings.

He thought back on their argument;

Revali flaps his wing in anger, "Why should I ground myself?! Ritos are the strongest in the sky! Even if we don't normally fly in bad weather, that does not mean we would not chance it when push comes to shove!"

Cherry tilts his head, "Don't you think that Ganon would have thought about using your greatest strength against you?"

Revali frowns, "What?"

The fake Hylian shrugs, "I mean, knowing Ganon, he will spit in your face by turning your own strength against you. He has a terrible habit of using the same old, same old strategy. Well, if you are proud, he is prouder. If you are greedy, he is greedier. So on and so forth," He turns his red eyes on Revali, "Ganon will break your pride by using the same ability as you just to spite you,"

Revali scowls, "But what does that have to do with grounding me?"

Cherry points at him, "You are proud of your mastery of flight. He will expect that. The previous pilot for Medoh was also a Rito after all. It is the only way one can understand how to pilot a flying machine. Ganon will expect for you to fly. He will not expect for you to fight from the ground,"

Revali hisses, "Well, that is me! What about the others?!"

Cherry hums, tapping his chin, "Well, Mipha's weakness lies in her smaller size compared the other Champions. And since she is small, he will make sure that he has a longer range of attack and also make it hard for her to come near. Possibly using a spear just to mock her,"

Revali grimaces, "So that means that whatever beast that the monster will send after me will use archery just to mock me?"

Cherry nods, "Also, he will most definitely fly,"

"...fuck that,"

Cherry is also fond of attacking him randomly from his blind spots. This forces the usually flying Rito to find cover. The first week was the worse, in Revali's opinion. He is usually very sensitive to the movement of the air but Cherry is quick and quiet and random. Even if Revali is fast enough to cover himself, Cherry will not stop his attack until the Rito is heaving on the ground. It was as if the false Hylian has no end to his stamina!

...then again, they had considered that Ganon has no end to it's stamina so that means that Revali will have to push himself harder just to win...or survive.

Cherry will also continues until late at night where Revali have terrible eyesight. Being attacked at night is the worse. Then, somehow, Cherry managed to befriend all the chicks in Rito Village! Revali is now plagued by relentless attack from several different directions randomly. He could simply avoid it if he's flying but he's not! He's stuck finding covers and dodging like a wingless!

He has never been more tired in his life...

But Revali's frown turns into a savage grin. Cherry knows exactly how to take him down, that means Ganon would too. After all, like that masked monster said, they are all him and that means that Cherry have all the experiences of a Hero of Hyrule. He throws himself away from the next attack, a dart that explodes with just enough force to bruise him, before he start sprinting for cover again. A mock arrow at the ready, the balled up cloth at the tip with wet paint from berries pointing at the direction where he can hear his hunter.

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