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I sprinted behind him, my heart racing with anticipation

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I sprinted behind him, my heart racing with anticipation. He walked briskly, and I struggled to keep up, my nerves getting the better of me. Finally, I summoned the courage to speak.

"Excuse me," I said, my voice barely audible.

He stopped and turned, his piercing gaze making my knees weak. I felt like I was going to collapse.

Earlier, it was just his eyes that had left an impression, but now, seeing his chiseled features and intense stare, I was speechless. His eyes seemed to bore into my soul, making me feel vulnerable.

My mind raced: "The way he's staring, as if he's going to kill me with his stare."

When he spoke, his deep voice sent shivers down my spine. "What."

I coughed nervously, feeling like I was going to choke. "Take this handkerchief and go home and take cough medicine," he said, offering me his handkerchief.

I took it, my hand trembling. He turned to leave again, but I couldn't let him go without speaking my mind.

"Will you listen to me?" I asked hastily, my voice laced with desperation.

He turned back, his gaze piercing. "Hmm."

I gulped, my throat dry. "You're the same boy who saved me from those people that day."

He paused, his expression unreadable. Then, he spoke, his voice firm. "No."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving me confused and bewildered, wondering what had just happened.

I trotted behind him, my words spilling out in a desperate attempt to get him to acknowledge the truth. "Hey!...I know you are the same boy, you came to my house that day to take the laptop...did you remember something?"

But he remained silent, his pace steady, his gaze fixed ahead. I continued to plead, my voice growing more urgent. "I'm talking to you....did you hear-------"

My words faltered as he suddenly stopped and turned to face me. His glare was icy, his expression devoid of any emotion. "I said that I am not that boy...you don't understand a thing...it would be better for you to go back quietly from here."

His tone was bitter and rude, leaving me stunned and speechless. My mind raced with questions. "What now?....why is he saying that he is not my Mr. Unknown....I mean, that laptop boy?"

But I summoned the courage to speak again, my voice barely above a whisper. "But----"

He cut me off, his voice cold and unyielding. "Go back to your house."

THE TEARS I'VE CRIED | KTHWhere stories live. Discover now