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I woke up with a groan

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I woke up with a groan. Due to the lights were from the window are coming straightly to my face.

I rubbed my eyes to get a clear view of my room when I saw the bandage on my hand.

I put my right hand on it. It doesn't hurt much.

"Because I love you." Last night scene started flashing in my mind.

I told him. Did I really tell him?


Remembering that lovely moment, my fingers were touching my lips. Not knowing I was already blushing.

But how did I get into my room?  as far as i remember I was with him after that......

The sudden sound of door opening came which made came out of my world.

"You woke up." Unnie said coming near me holding something in her hand.

"Hear drink this." She gave me the glass which looks like lemonade.

I took it from her hand and still thinking about the question, of how and when appeared here.

"And this is your medicine, first take this and then drink." She took out the medicine from the packet and give it to me.

I was still confused who tell to jisoo unnie about this?

"How is your hand now, Isn't there much pain?" She asked in concern.

"Yeah it's better than before." I said after swallowing my medicine.

Such a hilarious taste of this.

"What was the need for you to get on the ride? you know how afraid you are yet, you still did it..." She said looking at me worriedly.

I was still can't able to understand anything. I was looking at her confusingly.

"What?" I questioned raising my eyebrow.

She sighed deeply and said. "You got this injury by falling down from the ride, right?" She said with a pointed look.

I fall down from the ride. But when?

She get up from the bed going towards my cupboard.

"Unnie, What happened at night? I mean how did I get into my room?" I was trying to hide the truth and want to find my answer first.

She turned back at me. "Obviously Taehyung, who else." She said stressing on who else word.

And I get shocked. What? I mean how? I mean why I can't remember anything of last night.

"You had fainted and Taehyung brought you home." She spoke.

And I understood everything properly now. I leaned back on the bed drinking the juice while thinking.

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