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"let's get married" Tae said straightly looking at me.

And looking at his expression it doesn't seeming that he is joking.

I cleared my throat.

"I don't understand what you are saying, marriage?" I was so confused and dumbfounded.

Phone ringing

His phone rang, causing him to stop speaking and turn towards his phone.

"My lawyer will explain everything to you okay" Giving me a small nod he stood up with his phone and went outside the restaurant.

There was no one else in the restaurant except the staff because he had booked the entire restaurant.

"Hello mam" A voice came from front I lifted my face up to see a person standing in his suit.

"I'm prosecutor Hwang" He forwarded his hand at me.

I get up from my place. "Hello nice to meet you" we did a handshake and he seated in front of the table.

"So I will talk to you directly about work only." He said opening a file.

"Mr.Kim might have told you about the wedding" he said looking up at me.

"Yeah he s-said" I hesitantly nodded looking at him from the mirror glass.

He was talking to someone on call.

"But suddenly marriage?" I asked in confusion.

"Just on paper" he said.

"We're making it so you were married in US in last year" he said turning the pages from file.

My eyes went widened.

"You mean we're not getting married, in fact we're already married?" I asked with a gasped gesturing with hands as the situation.

"Yes, first we cannot confirm your identity and second you were secretly married so you ran off to hide it from the media, This would be the easiest way for us to get out of this trouble" he completed.

My eyes came in front of my mouth because I didn't understand anything yet.

"But why do we have to do all this? what is the reason?" I asked knitting my eyebrows.

"Mr.kim don't want anything to happen to you Because you are the biggest target of this case, Mr.X wants to target you. And for your safety he wants to keep this fake marriage."

"Although he could have kept you with him normally but for the department and world you both have to look like married couple" Prosecutor Hwang explained me everything about this fake marriage.

"In 2020, Mr. Kim came to US in connection with a case And at that time you had come on a trip with your friends, both of you fell in love with each other there and after that you both get married in 2021 in US, after that you came back to Seoul, Mr. Kim went to Germany for his work."

He started explaining and I was listening like a sincere child.

He fell in love with me? Person like him who is always busy with his work with sharp gaze how can he fall for someone?

I didn't imagined our marriage will happen like this, but this is fake marriage not real.

But we should keep this real why fake?

I shake my head in disbelief.

"So did you understand everything?" He asked closing the file and then turned at me.

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