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The entire media and police force team had gathered outside the college, their vehicles and equipment lining the streets. The police had surrounded the college from all sides, their officers standing guard with stern expressions.

An officer stepped forward, a megaphone in hand. "We have surrounded the college from all sides," he announced, his voice loud and clear. "Surrender quietly and hand yourself over to the law. Otherwise, we will have to take action."

The officer's voice echoed through the streets, his words carrying a sense of urgency and warning. The media cameras zoomed in on the college, capturing the tense scene. The police officers stood firm, their eyes fixed on the college building, ready to pounce at any moment.

The students and staff inside the college looked on in fear, their hearts racing with anxiety. Some peeked out of windows, watching the scene unfold. Others huddled together, waiting for the situation to resolve.

The officer's words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the gravity of the situation. The police were not going to back down, and it was only a matter of time before they took action. The question on everyone's mind was: what would happen next?


Terrorist 1 gazed out the window, his face contorted in anger and confusion. "Who called the police?" he spat, his eyes scanning the scene outside.

Terrorist 2 approached him, his expression equally worried. "Police and media have surrounded us, what do we do now?"

Terrorist 1 swiftly pulled out his phone and dialed a number, his fingers trembling slightly. "Hello, sir," he said, his voice laced with nervousness.

Mr. X's voice was calm and collected on the other end. "I know what's happening. Police and media have arrived. We'll get the file later, but no one must escape. There's another person hidden inside the college, not present here."

Terrorist 1's eyes widened, his grip on the phone tightening. "First, find her. She's the one who called."

Mr. X's tone turned sinister. "But be careful; nothing must happen to her."

The call ended, and Terrorist 1's eyes locked onto Terrorist 2. "We have to find her," he growled.

Meanwhile, Mr. X's creepy laughter echoed from his end, his eyes fixed on a screen displaying the college's interior. "I know, Y/N, you're the one who did all this. You have a sharp mind, but not sharper than mine."

His eyes gleamed with malevolence as he continued to watch the scene unfold, his expression twisted in an evil grin.



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