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Next day - 9:25 AM

One thing I have understood is that Mr

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One thing I have understood is that Mr.X's personal enmity is with me only.

Because if he had to destroy the world he would have done something else for that but no he didn't did that.

He wants something from me, but who is he?

While walking like this, my attention fell on my hand which is currently bandaged.

Then my mind fell on last night, she saw the injury on my hand and bandaged it. And along with that I had to be scolded so much.

I opened the door of the room and took a look at her and then locked it.

Walking towards I placed the glass of orange juice on the near stand and went towards the bed.

Then I saw that the sun's rays were disturbing her sleep. I covered the window with curtains.

I adjusted the blanket on her perfectly and slow down the temperature of AC.

I sat on the bed, as I gaze at my sleeping beauty, I can't help but feel a sense of wonder and adoration. Her peaceful face, so serene and calm is a sight to behold. I softly strokes her hair, marveling a silky texture and gently brushes a strand out of her face. I put my hand on her head I felt her head was burning then I check my head and it was perfect. She is fine!

As I watched her chest rise and fall with each gentle breath. Her eyeslashes flutter slightly as she dreams, and I smile hearing her tiny snores and gentle murmurs she makes. I feel a grateful presence of her in my life, and think about how beautiful she looks, even in slumber. I appreciate the trust of her she has on me. And a sense of protectiveness and care wanting to keep her safe and happy. In the moment, I was fully present here taking in the beauty of my sleeping love, and feeling grateful for the gift of her presence in my life.

"You are my everything Y/n, You are my beginning and you are my end." I whispered.

Around after ten minutes of admiring her she finally opened her eyes slowly.

Seeing me in front she opened her eyes fully.

"Good morning" I said.

"Good morning" she greeted back in sleepy voice.

She got up and sat on the bed and I gave her a glass of juice.

While I just looking at her.

"Why are you looking like that?" She asked in confusion.

"You are my wife, I have the right to see you" I replied.

And I feel like I froze her in her place, She was looking at me with steady eyes without blinking her eyes.

Do I affect her that much?

"how is your hand now?" She asked changing the topic avoiding my eyes.

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