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This is it!

Gosh! I'm almost doing it!

I'm I ready?

Of course I am! I've been dreaming of this day since I met him. I am more than ready!

I can't believe I'm doing this...

I've got this. It's okay. Jungkook said it hurts at first...but the pleasure builds up with time.

It won't hurt that much...right.

Hoseok will be gentle. I hope he's not that big...

Do we need condoms?...and uh...lube! Yeah... Jungkook said I'd need that.

Oh God! I can't wait! I'm so excited...



If you would have heard Min Yoongi's thoughts at that would have laughed until your bladder exploded right out of your body.

You see... Min Yoongi is rather your average twenty year old college guy.


He is feisty, savage, cold. He gives off the energy of a badass bitch who no one can mess with.

He will bite if necessary.

Min Yoongi appears bold, and confident... resilient in whatever he does. That is why he is the topper student in the law course.

And nobody... except his best friend Jeon Jungkook would have figured out that the Min Yoongi...

Is a virgin.

That at twenty...with such looks and intelligence, and savagery...
Min Yoongi has never experienced the deep pleasures of sex.
Adding to the point that his the hot college graduate who owns a dance studio in the city.

Everyone knows Jung Hoseok. He used to be the college heartthrob. And those who were lucky enough to get fucked by him say that his hips thrust in a way that separates your soul from your die, of pure pleasure.

Everyone knows of the awkward but admirable couple.

While Hoseok is loud, bubbly, social and couldn't give a flying damn about his studies, Yoongi is the exact opposite.

Silent, grim, introverted and highly values his 4.0 GPA.  He loves studying and his favorite place is actually a library.

How these two fell in love and dated remains to be the nth wonder of the world.

So yeah...
With good looks

Attractive character

Hot boyfriend with nice sex praises..

Yoongi is still a virgin.

But he plans on changing that... tonight.


He licks his pretty, pink, pouty lips...forgetting he had put on some gloss. He quickly opens his bag and takes out the gloss stick, applying it dexterously and rubbing his lips together. He sprays perfume on himself once again and does a quick check of himself on his phone's selfie camera mode.
Satisfied, he nods and takes a deep breath...before knocking the apartment's door.

" Coming!" The faint sound of his boyfriend reaches his ear. Yoongi giggles to himself, imagining all the possibilities of how romantic this would be.

Is he lighting up candles?
Or spreading red sheets on the bed...are there flower petals?

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