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"...I couldn't cum-"


Yoongi hastily scoots away from his best friend who just sprayed his banana milk from his mouth before erupting into a loud laugh. He throws his head back and clutches his tummy, almost raising his feet above the table. The others in the cafe stare at him like he is some lion on the loose...or a clown with a blood-dripping knife.

" What!" Yoongi frowns as his best friend tried to catch his breath...that is before he laughs louder once more, even howling in between.

" Gosh...this is just...oh my! You have made my day Min Yoongi." He says as he finally calms down and takes deep breaths.

" So...what exactly happened? Mr. Hip thrusts didn't thrust good enough?"

Yoongi looks at Jungkook. His best friend may be really insensitive at times. Here, Yoongi is feeling so lost and worthless and when he needs someone to confide in, his silly excuse of a best friend goes all out on making fun of the situation.

Jungkook's smiles falters when he notices Yoongi's eyes. They are really red...which means two things.

He is either really angry...about to kill.


He wants to cry but does not want to do it in public...his tough attitude should never be shaken in front of crowds.
And being his bestie for God knows since before they were born, Jungkook knows it is the second option.

" Yoongi, are you okay?!" He asks, suddenly conscious about his best friend's emotions.

But Yoongi takes his wallet and takes out cash, not even caring about the amount and slams it in the table. He stands up and begins walking towards the cafe's exit.

" Yoons!"

" Leave me alone! Go and laugh about my insecurities...better yet, since you're such a loud mouth, go to college and announce it to everyone! Hmm?!" Yoongi fakes a smile to Jungkook who sighs while following him out of the cafe.

" Yoongi, please-"

" JUST FUCK OFF!!" Yoongi shouts and passers by look at the duo.
" Just...give me space...I tried to tell you, didn't I?" Yoongi says softly and this time, Jungkook's eyes glisten with on coming tears.

" Sorry-"

" Save it." Yoongi says before walking his way to his car. Once inside, he places his head on the steering wheel and loudly.


Yoongi checks himself in the mirror.

His eyes hold strong determination. He will have sex, and he will enjoy it damn well!

" I will fucking cum! Not once...not twice!...a fucking million times! And I will cum good, so loud my neighbours will call me a slut tomorrow! Fucking Jungkook! FUCK YOU JEON!"

Yoongi angrily mutters as he pulls his tiny purple pantie up his nice ass.

He admires himself once again.
He was born gay.
His pale skin, soft features, tiny waist, nice peachy ass...his slim legs...
He is damn beautiful! And he knows it.

He puts on his pastel yellow oversized sweater that Hoseok loves so much. It reaches his upper thighs and slides a little off his shoulders revealing his nice collarbones.

The door bell rings. Yoongi smirks and licks his lips as he walks downstairs to his door.

" Show time."


" Pull out! Pull out!" Yoongi says as tears threaten to fall from his eyes...yet again.

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