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" Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!" Taehyung chuckles as Yoongi happily bounces on his heels, next to the car.

" Need I remind you that I'm the one carrying all our luggages to the car? Alone?" Taehyung says, loading the bags into the trunk and backseat.

" You love the gym. Put those muscles to good use!" Yoongi says, as he holds the door open for his boyfriend.

" I'll show you just how I can use these muscles baby boy." Taehyung says and quickly steals a kiss from Yoongi who smacks him lightly on the chest.

" Stop being a pervert."

" For you, I can be anything." Taehyung winks as he opens the front passenger seat for Yoongi. He helps him put on his seatbelt before going around and getting in himself. Yoongi lovingly stares at his boyfriend. They're both wearing matching black T-shirts and white shorts. Yoongi's shorts being shorter, showing his pale smooth thighs. Taehyung eases out of his compound and drives towards the main road. Yoongi still can't take his eyes off him.

It's been a year, since they met. And everyday is still more magical than the previous. Taehyung never fails to make him feel like the most love person on this planet. How he cares, or how he's so attentive to Yoongi's emotions, how he can decipher the littlest details about Yoongi and turn them to something so special.

" Honey, what's up?" Taehyung finally asks, looking at Yoongi briefly before focusing back on the road.

" I just...I feel really blessed to have you in my life." Taehyung smiles and takes Yoongi's hand in his, his other focusing on driving.

" And I love everything you do for me. I sometimes feel like I'm not enough for you, because you're the best. Your smile I my medicine and you are everything I've ever prayed for. I love you, Kim."

Taehyung blinks away some tears, not expecting those words to touch him as such. He lifts their entwined hands and places a long kiss to Yoongi's knuckles who is also sniffing and wiping some tears from his eyes.

" I love you more, kitten."

" Hey!" Yoongi scolds as Taehyung laughs a bit. His phone rings and he smiles as he accepts the video call.

" Hey love!" Jungkook's cheery voice sounds from the other end.

" Hey. Did you guys arrive already?" Yoongi asks the giddy boy.

" Yeah. The Maldives is so magical!!! I feel like Moana!" Both Taehyung and Yoongi laugh.

" Oh, hey Tae!" Jungkook waves as Yoongi angles the camera towards him.

" Hi, and that's Hyung for you." Taehyung scowls.

" You don't tell Yoongi to call you Hyung."

" He calls me daddy. Still good." Taehyung smugly grins as Yoongi smacks his arm and Jungkook makes a teasing noise.

" Where's Namjoon?"

" He went to get me breakfast. I literally can't walk... last night was...something else."

" Too much information!" Both Taehyung and Yoongi simultaneously say.

" Speaking of...Yoongi are you still having a bow on that ass like a present that's yet to be opened?" Taehyung chuckles while shaking his head but Yoongi completely turns pink.

" Will you stop?"

" You guys have been dating for months now! Time to get freaky!"

" Jungkook, have a nice day. Love you!" Yoongi quickly hangs up the phone and fans his face dramatically.

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