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Yoongi stares at the simple but sophisticated clinic before him. It is a flat clinic, no storeys, and is painted brightly in white. The large name plated at the roof of the clinic...' PURPLE LIFE CLINIC' stands proudly, in bold purple letters out looking the street.

Yoongi takes a deep breath and walks up the very clean steps, leading him to double glass doors. He enters and he looks around the reception area.

There is a large white reception desk at the right side, waiting seats on the left near a stack of magazines. Some plants here and there, clean white tiles... A wide corridor in between...the place sure looks fancy.

Yoongi forces a smile as he approaches the female receptionist. She smiles at him...genuinely and makes her sitting posture more upright.

" Hello, my name is Min Yoongi. I had an appointment with a doctor Kim?"

She smiles and nods.

" Yoongi, I am Kelly. Welcome to PURPLE LIFE CLINIC. Let me check your details please?" She extends her hand as Yoongi gives out his Id and some details while she fills them into the computer.

" Okay. Dr. Kim will be free in the next um..." She checks the large wall clock." Twenty five minutes. You can wait on those seats there while reading the magazines."

Yoongi smiles and nods. He walks to the magazine stack and picks the one catching his eye the most. He takes a seat and begins skimming through the magazine. Especially the fashion section.

He was busy staring at some male models when he feels a presence next to him. Yoongi looks at his neighbour who smiles widely at him.

" Hi! I'm Seokjin! You can call me Jin." He says and Yoongi smiles at the Jin guy, admiring his pink hoodie. Normally, when going out, Yoongi wears dark colours. But he loves the soft bright colours. However, he has a bad boy image to put up.

" Yoongi." He softly says. Jin smiles and nods.

" I like your earrings!" He says and Yoongi shrugs.
" Three dollars bro."
Jin gasps and looks at Yoongi with wide eyes.

" Where?! Which street, store number? Name of the shop owner?" Yoongi chuckles and shakes his head.

" I like your pink hood." Jin looks down at it and smiles.

" Thanks! My sugar daddy bought it for me." He openly admits and Yoongi tries not to laugh.

" Sugar daddy??"

" Yeah! You know Jackson Wang? The youngest billionaire in Asia?"

Yoongi's jaw drops...literally.

" No fucking way!"
Jin laughs at his face and nods. He goes into they met in a party and immediately thing led to another and now, Jin has a fucking Bugatti just outside, and a black card in his Gucci wallet.

" Whoa!" Yoongi says under his breath. He feels so unaccomplished.

" Anyways...what brings you here?" Jin curiously asks. Yoongi purses his lips and shifts in his seat.

" Actually...I'm here to see Doctor Kim?" Yoongi says...more of a question than a statement. Jin chuckles and pats Yoongi's shoulder.

" Hey, it's a free world, you don't have to be shy about anything. I'm here because I want to get a butt filler and I need my doctor to check if I can go through with the process."

Yoongi smiles and breaths out.

" Oh."

" Min Yoongi!" The receptionist calls him and Yoongi stands.

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